2008 You Know Who Destroyed Themselves During the Primary? The GOP
posted by May 7 at 11:05 AM
onIt’s not Rev. Wright or the gas tax or NAFTA or “clinging” that’s going to stand out from this season’s primary.
The lingering and decisive issue from this year’s primaries? All the hot anti-immigrant rhetoric that came from the GOP side.
Despite McCain’s record on immigration (for amnesty/against border fence), the amped-up GOP primary forced him to pander. He voted against two pro-immigrant rights bills last summer … Obama voted Yea, and he should highlight these underreported votes to expand “chain migration” (spouses, relatives) rights.
More important, the rhetoric poisoned the GOP’s standing with Latino voters. (Huckabee promised to deport 12 million people within his first 120 days in office.)
Latino voting—the fastest growing voting bloc in the U.S.—is expected to jump 50 percent over 2000 levels in 2008. (That’s 4.5 million to over 9 million.) This should have been good news for the GOP—Bush famously won over Latino voters, upping the GOP take to an astonishing 40 percent in 2004 (up from 21 percent in 1996.)
But thanks to the crazed GOP primary, the trend is going to reverse on them.
Obama should seize the opportunity: Obama/Richardson, man.
Richardson is cool, but he was asleep during the primary, I don't think he's the right guy for the VP job.
I wanted Richardson/Obama, so Obama/Richardson would be great.
Unfortunately, it won't happen. Anything that makes sense and would be good for people never fucking happens.
Richardson for veepee! Hell yes. Richardson was my personal pick from the get go.
so... let's let anyone immigrate right? I mean if their second cousin's sister's next door neighbor kid delivered Jose Cuervo to the immigratnt in Mexico, he is almost related right? Geesshhhh
How about we don't allow certain people to cheat to cross the border illegally?
How are they allowed to vote again? Ohh yeah.. they don't need an ID or documentation.
They just need to show up early and often.
That is the Democratic theme isn't it?
"...expected to jump 50 percent over 2000 levels in 2008. (That’s 4.5 million to over 9 million.)"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's a 100% jump.
I'd love to see Obama/Richardson. That would certainly be much better than Obama/Clinton.
I was thinking about this a while back, and loving what it would mean to have a vp that actually speaks Spanish. I think he'll at least be running the State Department.
What the fuck are you doing still there? I thought you quit.
See what happens when the democrat race is 'decided'; we can all start bitching about the stupid Republicans. About time.
I still think a well-respected former General would just make a massive difference for the election. I mean, I admire McCain for the mental fortitude he had in his capture time, but getting shot down 40+ years ago isn't the same as commanding troops when it comes to leadership.
@6 - We've had a VP that speaks Spanish (Gore), and a President that speaks Spanish (Bush), and I haven't been happy with either one.
Does Richardson have anything else going for him?
If I were choosing, I would choose Obama/Dodd, or Obama/Rendell. Or, to really commit to the theme of "Change," Obama/Tim Kaine or Obama/Bill Ritter. But I agree, Josh, Obama should also work the issues of interest to Hispanics, big time. Richardson is just a little too eccentric. But this got me thinking: whatever happened to Henry Cisneros?
@4... yeah, because your European ancestry entitles you to live on the land you do. It was never stolen from anyone.
"Legal Immigration" is a farce-- the only people who can afford to legally immigrate to the US are people who don't need to because they are already rich.
It's almost impossible to immigrate here legally, especially if you're from an "undesirable" country like Mexico. How about you try a little intellectual honesty, or any kind of honesty, and suggest making legal immigration somewhat possible rather than fault people for breaking inane, racist laws?
Unless, of course, you'd rather pay $10 for a pound of tomatoes.
They're voting because they're citizens, you fucking moron.
Ah, who is this Josh Feit guy? Anyone know who he is?
It's not like 15 percent of all Americans are Hispanic, or that 40 percent of us have Hispanic relatives ...
1. everyone took land from everyone else earlier on, no group or nation abjured the practice.
2. You think Latinos will vote for Obama because he puts Richardson on the ticket? Like, they vote for that ticket because Richardson is Latino?
First of all the point is the Latinos are already very anti GOP due to the GOP immigration policies -- like most rational adults they vote their interest not based on gimmicks like who speaks Spanish the best. Or who is Latino. EG, Gov. richardson didn't even win the primary in NM? HE wasn't racking up the Latino vote in CA either or NJ was he?
An alternative might be to pick the Democratic candidate who got the most Latino votes during the primary season.
Hm what if that person also got the most votes from Ohio and Florida and a bumch of other states.....? the most from oldsters? the most from ...you get the idea.
Nah too logical. Shhh!
Don't even talk about it.
@ 11 - I like Ritter, but other than helping deliver Colorado, I'm not sure what he does for Obama.
And wiki says that Cisneros left Clinton's cabinet after being indicted for conspiracy, giving false statements, and obstruction of justice, and he know works for a company financing homebuilders.
Folks, let's keep within the realm of the possible here: regardless of whether Obama or Clinton is the nominee, the VP slot will be handed to a white male southerner who is slightly to the right of the nominee on at least a few symbolic issues.
Jim Webb would be the obvious choice if they could be confident in holding on to his senate seat if he won, but if not Webb then someone indistinguishable from him.
Richardson is the popular governor of a swing state...
"Richardson is the popular governor of a swing state..."
Yes, but if he was VP they would have to hold a special election to fill his spot. Net gain GOP Governor +1.
Has anyone watched cable news in the last month? Apparently, Obama scares the shit out of uneducated white voters. You think they're seriously going to put another brown guy on the ticket?
Keep your eye out for a white guy (or, my prediction: a white woman... go Janet Napolitano!)
Obama/Richardson: Yes please. This is one of those ideas that needs to be advanced early and often.
#16: Richardson didn't win the Dem Primary in NM because he already had publicly dropped out by then! NM was part of Super Tuesday. Pre-Richardson backing out NM was the ONLY state he won in polls (naturally).
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