Politics Rossi Goes From Pandering to Blundering
posted by May 7 at 17:53 PM
onThe Washington State Democrats have crunched the numbers, and found that—surprise!—Dino Rossi’s transportation “choices” plan isn’t just a lowballed, car-centric, environmentally irresponsible mess—it also screws Eastern Washington, the very place where Rossi’s support was highest in 2004. As reported in today’s Tri-City Herald, Rossi’s plan would devote just $2.3 billion — or 15 percent— to eight projects in the eastern half of Washington (most of that to just one project in Spokane). Rossi’s plan, in other words, would divert money from eastern Washington to pay for road projects on this side of the mountains—where voters rejected a roads-heavy transportation plan just last November.
Rossi always puts up a patina of reasonableness, but he is a trojan horse arch-conservative. This anti-choice weasel has nothing to run on, so he will lie and pander. Don't let him do it.
ah yes, the dry shitty herald. I'm surprised this was published as the area is known for it's two political parties, republican and republican. I know this as I lived in that giant hole for 15 years growing up. They don't talk about how the road between Richland and Kennewick has been replaced 3 times since 1982. Gotta keep that eastside pork rolling in, and god forbid that people have to slow down to 30 on the highway during the 10 minute commute home.
For all the anti-tax, anti-liberal, anti-government bluster that comes out of 90% of the residents mouths, they all know that the day the Feds stop sending billions of dollars to the Hanford "Area" is the day that the Tri-Cities closes for business.
It should be noted that the man who wrote the piece for TCH, an op-ed piece, is a liberal blogger in Eastern Washington at mccranium.org which is sort of like the horses ass of the desert. Not disputing his facts, just sayin' is all.
Rossi is still a lying horses ass. Just sayin is all.
And he wants to take Sound Transit's excess taxes and pave with them! Fuck him sideways!!
this is kind of a bad point if you arent providing numbers on gregoires transpo plans and then not taking her to task for adopting pro roads and car measures.
Rossi is not just a Red Bushie, he's bad for Washington - and will do whatever it takes to reward his Comrades who are Elite Party Members by giving them Eastern and Western Washington Tax Dollars to do substandard jobs.
In other words, a typical incompetent Republican nowadays.
Hey... that was me who wrote that. Thanks!
@2, you really don't know much about this area do you? 3 times since 1982? Nope. But we did just replace a 60 year old bridge that was falling into the Yakima River, and the highway was a bad, 1950's design deathtrap.
The new highway just completed addressed a real problem both in transportation and environment.
Anyway, just because we don't have 500 zillion people cramming onto a floating bridge doesn't mean we didn't need it.
Lastly, we are not all nutzo republican out here. You'd be surprised.
Tommy at #1: You should have said Rossi is a Trojan jackass
You know, out of respect for all the good horses out there.
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