City Re: Ethics and Elections Commission Charges Council Member McIver with Ethics Violation
posted by May 7 at 16:40 PM
onIf the name of the friend to which City Council member Richard McIver awarded a no-bid city contract sounded familiar, there’s a reason: It was in the news last year. Joann Francis, it turns out, was also McIver’s attorney when he was charged with domestic violence by his wife, Marlaina Kiner-McIver. So she wasn’t just a friend who hosted McIver in the Virgin Islands condo she shares with her husband-she’s also been in McIver’s direct employ.
Oh. My.
Time to step aside...
He needs to leave. And we need some candidates for 2009!
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Gee Stranger, you're right on top of things as usual.
Any comment on your endorsee Jean Godden being found of 30+ election ethics violations and being fined a total of $150?
Gee, don't trip over yourselves getting on that story...
Ah, forget it. I'll go get Angela Galloway because she seems to be the only local journalist who gives a crap. We wouldn't want local voters to know how their precious grande dame of the city council practices politics -- and certainly not before the last election now, would we?
Godden was fined for entering too detailed entries in her city calendar about campaign events. Picky bullshit. McIver's offenses are far more serious.
Time to go, Richard. And those of you who voted for him instead of kickass Dwight Pelz last time should have known better.
Godden didn't know that she wasn't allowed to campaign for re-election on the tax payer's dime. Give her a break, she's old, and come on, at least she obeys the Mayor and the SLU/Downtown Development Establishment....
This is a serious charge. Somebody's a little too cozy in that office. I agree, time to go.
So, who could run for his seat?
Any suggestions?
I can think of three ...
Any chance we find out about the 'social networks' of the man haters?
Go figure!
@8: Do tell.
I don't give a sh*t what she was fined FOR, the fact of the matter is that she had city staff coordinating her campaign activities on the city dime AND she skipped city business (a committee meeting) to attend a fundraiser. You have to do these sorts of things, apparently, if you are going to raise and spend upwards of $275,000 for a city council race.
So, no, I don't consider someone attending a fundraiser rather than doing her job a "picky" thing -- especially since she originally ran against an incumbent based on *very* "picky" ethics issues. It doesn't wash any way you cut it as the local press gets real cozy with hand-picked Paul Allen cronies.
I understand. Paying for your own drinks and not getting invited to the best parties with the best food is a terrible price to pay for not going along with the local insider crowd.
Thank god public financing of elections is getting on the ballot. Then hacks like this who survive will have to earn their keep.
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