Theater “It was bad of me to call you a cunt, whether we were in the Albertsons or not.
posted by April 25 at 16:45 PM
onAutobahn is the best bit of theater Re-bar has hosted in a long time.
It’s a cycle of five short plays by Neil LaBute—whose misogyny is only eclipsed by his general misanthropy—all of which happen in cars. In one, a graduate student realizes his temporary townie girlfriend is going to become his stalker. In another, a jackass husband (Troy Fischnaller, a convincing jackass) begrudgingly apologizes to his silent, weeping wife:
“I was wrong. Is that what you want to hear? Is it? ’Kay. It was bad of me to call you a cunt, whether we were in the Albertsons or not.”
In another, a pizza delivery guy (Shawn Law, the beardo above) tries to convince his sad-sack friend (Dusty Warren) to go fetch his video-game console from his ex-girlfriend’s house—never mind his kids:
“The kids, I mean, you can’t deal with that now, you can’t, that’s a matter for the courts and all, our legal system, but there’s nothing written or unwritten that says someone can take up ownership of your Nintendo 64 just because they want to.”
Fischnaller is the engine behind the production, which features good directors (Allison Narver, Peggy Gannon) and good actors (Trick Danneker, Shawn Belyea, Angela DiMarco). And they did the whole production for under $1,000, even with equity actors. (Fischnaller got a special dispensation from equity, whose rules tend to keep union and nonunion actors apart, to everyone’s detriment.)
Anyway: Re-bar is as good a place as any to watch a couple returning a foster child, a husband wringing a confession out of his wife, and the other stripped-down vignettes on human awfulness. The lights are dim and the booze is proximal.
When it comes to misanthropic misogyny, Neil LaBute ain't got shit on Todd Solondz.
How are Todd Solondz's movies misogynistic? I've seen them all; actually, I doubt a convincing argument could be made that they're even misanthropic.
i don't find labute misogynistic at all. i do find him misanthropic, and downright distastefully so. his movies just leave me feeling like i need a shower. yuck. what's the point?
Go see Autobahn! I saw it on Friday, and it's terrific. With marvelous acting and writing, this is a great example of how simplicity can be totally captivating.
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