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Thursday, April 24, 2008

David O. Russell Is Cuckoo

posted by on April 24 at 11:25 AM

James Caan has quit the new David O. Russell movie, Nailed, over a dustup with the director. He couldn’t even make it through the first day of a two-day shoot with the famously volatile Russell.

This isn’t the first time Russell has had a hard time dealing with actors. There is the notorious video of him fighting on the set of I Heart Huckabees with Lily Tomlin, where he has a complete freak-out and calls her a cunt and a bitch. Lily Tomlin! Seriously!?

In a recent New Yorker profile of George Clooney, the actor discusses working with Russell:

Clooney’s memories of “Three Kings” include Russell shouting, “Why don’t you worry about your fucked-up acting!” Although Russell has been quoted calling Clooney “a super-political, extremely manipulative guy,” his comment today is: “I feel lucky we got to make a really good film together.”

After the way he acted toward Lily, I’m off his movies for good.


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FWIW, Lily has sid there's no hard feelings.

Posted by Kevin Erickson | April 24, 2008 11:33 AM

This had me thinking that you had worked with David O. Russell in one of your movies, but no.

Posted by elenchos | April 24, 2008 11:36 AM

IMHO, as well as my degree-opinion, he hasn't made a single film that can be described as great, amazing, etc. You won't be missing anything.

The Incredible Shrinking Woman was the best film of 1981. The only reason it didn't win Best Picture is because it wasn't nominated, and the only reason it wasn't nominated is because everyone in 1981 was retarded.

Posted by Mr. Poe | April 24, 2008 11:39 AM

Many artists are drunks, dope fiends, psychotic, liars, cheats, pedophiles...

This guy is just bitchy. Write him off because Three Kings wasn't a very good movie not because he doesn't play well with others.

Posted by amy | April 24, 2008 11:39 AM

Three Kings wasn't a bad movie, though. And it's arguably his best work (as far as entertainment goes). I Heart Huckabees, which most people tend to enjoy, was shitty and stupid.

Posted by Mr. Poe | April 24, 2008 11:42 AM

Oh, I almost forgot. X-files.

Posted by Mr. Poe | April 24, 2008 11:52 AM

The argument was allegedly over how Caan was to choke on a cookie. Russell wanted him to cough and choke and Caan refused, saying you wouldn't cough and choke at the same time.

That's how the cookie crumbles.

Seriously, in Caan's defense, Russell has a reputation as an asshole with poor rapport with actors and Caan has already worked with other difficult directors (von Trier) and on some problematical productions, (Gardens of Stone, when Coppola's son died in the middle of shooting). In Russell's defense, Caan also has a bit of a reputation as a 'don't fuck with me, I'm James Caan' kind of guy.

Honestly, I wouldn't want either one of them at a dinner party.

Posted by michael strangeways | April 24, 2008 11:55 AM

Off Topic Note to Gillian:

Are you geekin' out that Lost is back on tonite?

AND, I have Lost gossip on my blog, if you're interested...

This season IS good!

Posted by michael strangeways | April 24, 2008 11:58 AM

Is it just me, or does Bob Dylan look a lot like Lily Tomlin in that picture?

Posted by ReverendZ | April 24, 2008 12:00 PM

If memory serves, Lily Tomlin gave as good as she got.

God Bless the Youtubes!

Posted by UNPAID BLOGGER | April 24, 2008 12:06 PM


I was hoping nobody would post that.

Posted by Mr. Poe | April 24, 2008 12:13 PM

Here's more freaking out on the Huckabees set (use some headphones if you're at work).

Honestly, I'm amazed people are still willing to work with Russell, let alone that his films even get finished. He's a spoiled brat that doesn't understand what it means to act like a professional.

Still, I really enjoyed Huckabees and Three Kings.

Posted by T | April 24, 2008 12:21 PM

Aren't all Hollywood types spoiled brats no one would want to be trapped in an elevator with? I haven't seen Huckabees, but I loved Three Kings and Spanking the Monkey.

Posted by Peter F | April 24, 2008 12:48 PM

Gillian Anderson? What? Does she write for slog often? I see only one other post.

He seems like a very demanding person who feels the need to break others psychologically to get what he wants. I don't know if I can fault him if the ends justify the means, but it seems like he's a total doucheface sometimes.

I remember the Lily video being quite uncomfortable the first time I watched it.

Posted by Jason Petersen | April 24, 2008 1:48 PM

Lily's not blameless in those videos. The first time I saw them it was from a friend that worked with her on a stage show once as an example of how awful she is. From his horrific experience with her, he assumed that Russell freaking out on her was entirely because of the way she treats people she works with. Apparently blowing up at her after suffering endless needling and whining is par for the course.

Posted by ryan | April 24, 2008 2:07 PM

Dude seems like a first-class dick, for sure, but he'd been working with Tomlin for a decade by the time of that video (a true Youtube classic), and it seems like a comfortable and old routine for the two of them. I love the part when Hoffman, who is physically right up next to her in the car seat, murmuringly tries to bring it down a notch and she turns to him and witheringly says, "Oh, you SHUT UP."

Posted by Grant Cogswell | April 24, 2008 3:36 PM

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