Media Dalai Lama to Journalists: “My Hope is That You’re Also Part of Humanity”
posted by April 14 at 11:10 AM
onI don’t know if all of his press conferences are like this, but the early-morning media availability that the Dalai Lama held in Seattle on Sunday (I was there, randomly, as the invisible hand of AFP) turned out to be quite a remarkable deviation from every other presser I’ve attended. The Dalai Lama opened with this:
Good morning, everybody. I have nothing to say.
He then spent about five minutes talking to the assembled journalists about the ways in which we might live more successful, happy lives—also unusual, but rather apropos given the state of our industry.
“Anger, hatred, jealousy, brings inner sense of insecurity,” the Dalai Lama was saying.
I was thinking: Have you ever worked in a newsroom?
“Compassion open our heart…”
I thought: Good luck with this crowd.
He continued with his version of Journalistic Humanity 101:
In modern time, particularly in modern country, media people are very, very important. Now, in democratic country, people are the real democracy. Leadership very important—but ultimately people are the most important. Everything depend on the people.Therefore, fuller knowledge of every event by the public is very essential. So media people have very, very important role to inform the people. For that reason, usually I make a habit of telling media people: You should have long nose, something like elephant nose, and smell everywhere—front, and side, and also behind. That’s I think very important.
For writing you should be objective and unbiased but then tell me, make clear, what’s going on—good thing or bad thing? I think that’s very important. So that the public knows: What’s going on? What’s the reality? Then the public can judge. I think that’s very important.
So my request and my hope is that you’re also part of humanity, the promotion of human values, and the promotion of harmony. I think, in these things, you also have responsibility. So, keep in your mind, that’s all.
I was stuck on his hope that media types might—just might!—also be part of humanity. I guess even the Dalai Lama wonders whether we have it in us to be human. Nice to know he’s still holding out hope, though.
“Now,” he said, “questions.”
At any point did he say, "Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate, and Hate leads to suffering."
Media types? Part of humanity? Only if you get them drunk.
Does he also believe that the children are the future?
bma - is fear EVER justified? Perhaps if someone was walking around your bed at night with a raging chainsaw, you'd be...a little afraid and fearful, which would lead to running, not the dark side. the running would lead to optimism and hope...that you wouldn't get chain sawed, which would lead to life, which would be good. love and light. so, therefore, "fear" as a solitary notion being "all bad" is total horseshit.
Now, more interesting is the notion of "unwarranted fear". thats an interesting conversation. Most fears are...unwarranted. but some are. thats why we have things like radar and insurance and traffic lights. otherwise, we'd have a lot more warranted scenarios of fear.
"oh yeah, did he by any chance mention that love is good?"
@4: Missed that reference by a mile, eh? :)
humans? no way, one only needs to read the journalist and the murderer to understand the predatory manipulative mind of the journalist.
how to I get to be a Lama and tour the world Rock Star style? I mean he's the spiritual leader of a country he's not allowed in, but still manages to pack arenas and stoke out millions of people daily!
@1 Ah, the Dalai Lama is Yoda. Clearly I see now.
@1 - yes, yes, now I see...yeeees. I did miss that one by a mile. Not fear you were speaking of, but...something else veeeery profound and deep, deep enough for the slog. Thank you. my buddha friend.
Does all of humanity keep a bottle of Wild Turkey in the lower desk drawer?
yoda is a pale reflection of the enlightened buddhist leader.
In the words of Carl Spackler, "Big hitter, the Lama."
Not so much anymore.
For example, instead of Wild Turkey, my lower desk drawer now only contains a jar of Skippy Creamy Peanut Butter.
Why exactly would someone who supports the NRA and keeps company with the perpetrators of the killing 600k-1m innocent Iraqis be in a position to comment about humanity?
@ 14 - do you get to drop yourself off at the dumb shit park on the way home, or do you have to take you home?
Good one dickwad, I'm guessing you're the other Raymond that everyone avoids.
America....are you bitter?
Sounds to me like he has about the same take on journalists as the rest of us -- right down there with politicians and personal injury lawyers.
Question for Mr Lama: If China freed Tibet today would you expect that Tibetians would hold open and free elections to determine their own destiny based on democratic ideals?
Answer the fucking question, LEFT COAST!
I'm sorry - I'm very much kidding. Left Coast, I have compassion for both you and me. I didn't know the Dalai Lama supported the NRA nor did I know he commiserated with evil empires such as us. what does that say for you? or are you paying taxes in Canada and just cherry picking comments in america?
@1 - Yoda is a mish-mash of every Eastern philosophy that George Lucas has ever heard of. For chrissakes, his name is one letter away from being Yoga. That's some real hippy shit right there.
"Mickey Rooney, maybe? OVER THIS INTERVIEW IS!"
I guess that was a little cryptic Raymond. I was referring to 5280 @2 sock puppeting a human being.
I hold the Dalai Lama in high regard. I do think that Tibetans can be trusted with democracy. Steven Hadley is one of the dumbest men alive, and it's a joke to claim the Olympics are just about sports. There is no excuse for dipshit cowboy to be sitting at the opening ceremonies wondering if they'll be Chinese food after.
do you think the microphone that the Dalai Lama spoke into was made in China?
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