Music What Your $5 Will Be Doing Tonight
posted by March 6 at 12:36 PM
onTonight’s Young Ones concert is also a benefit for Real Change. But Real Change is more than just a paper sold on the street for a buck. From their website,
The Real Change Homeless Empowerment Project has many faces, a newspaper, an advocacy group, a Homeless Speakers Bureau, and literary workshops. We do a lot, and all of it is working toward building bridges among the poor, homeless and the greater community, while engaging the broader public in fighting for economic justice. By publishing the newspaper and mobilizing the public around poverty issues, Real Change organizes, educates and builds alliances to find community-based solutions to homelessness and poverty. The Real Change is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization.
And the Young Ones showcase—tonight at Neumo’s, headlined by Arthur & Yu and Dyme Def—is just one way you can help out their important cause. A week from now, Real Change is asking you to do more than donate money or buy a paper.
On Thursday, March 13th, the Real Change Organizing Project and friends will stand with those who struggle to survive in Seattle’s public spaces. Your support is vital. If you have a few hours during the day, we need you. If you can spend the night at City Hall Plaza, we need you. Come stand for human dignity, compassion, and public accountability.Since last spring, the Mayor’s office has coordinated a campaign of harassment and intimidation against homeless campers. The obvious question has been asked a thousand times: Where are these people supposed to go?
On March 13, concerned citizens have the opportunity to send a clear message to the Mayor and his staff.
Our message is simple: Help, Don’t Harass. End the sweeps of homeless encampments. Work with advocates to provide alternatives. Provide real outreach, sufficient emergency shelter alternatives, and expanded services to those in need.
Visibility teams will stand throughout the downtown with banners, leaflets, and petitions to raise awareness of the City’s actions. Dinner, provided by Operation Sacklunch, will be served at 5:30 pm on City Hall Plaza by leaders of Seattle’s faith community. We will camp overnight on City Hall Plaza to highlight Seattle’s critical need for housing and shelter. There will be a final visibility push before the tents come down on Friday morning.
More information can be found at And you can take the first step in supporting the work Real Change does tonight, by checking out some amazing local talent at Neumo’s and Sole Repair for only $5, which will go directly to Real Change.
See you there!
How much play will Arthur & Yu score? They're the only band I care about here, so this is important. I see that you've enlarged their name + bolded, but they aren't super-mentioned anywhere else outside of that hideous (and shitty) fucking .jpg.
shut up crybaby
Why do they have a gingko leaf and a chestnut seed? The two trees aren't related.
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