2008 What He Said
posted by March 10 at 9:16 AM
onNot this guy, a GOP congressman from Iowa who claimed—again—that a victory for Obama in the fall would be a victory for the terrorists. Here’s the video…
I agree with what this guy, David Kurtz, has to say at TPM:
There’s so much nonsense here, where do you start?But I will say that the Obama camp better dispense with its standard “there’s no place for this in our politics” response. They’re getting killed with this kind of stuff. And if they think they can stay aloof from it until November, then he deserves the fate of Michael Dukakis and John Kerry. But they’ll be lucky to make it that long. Bill Bradley showed you can be an aloof loser in the primary, too.
i'd like to see evidence that they are "getting killed".
The middle name does matter! I stand by this. I thought about this for a LONG TIME. I know think it's time for OTHER PEOPLE TO (Because I did).
If only people had thought long and hard about the consequences of having a VP named Dick.
*now. Fuck! FUCK!
Since everyone at the Stranger was reading the New York Times all day Sunday, I'll assume you all saw the Kristoff column about the evangelicals who are claiming that Obama is the Anti-Christ. And that the proof is that he claims to be a Christian. (The anti-christ would do that, after all).
It looks to me like all this will end up as blowback on McCain, who can't spend the whole election trying to correct the record as he is introduced at campaign events by rank and file klansmen of hate radio.
Wow. That Iowa guy sounds like a spokesman for the Clinton campaign.
you guys keep forgetting, to a republican, a terrorist is anyone that doesn't vote republican.
Mc Cain disavows, and the slander goes on.
Politics as usual, and it will get more negative.
Obama needs Clinton ... she can defend him better than he can defend himself.
And all of this doesn't not face the base line question of race - will America elect a black man for president? That question simmers in the background, a very volatile topic.
Considering the propaganda tools the Bush/Cheney Oil Junta has handed on a silver platter to the Islamic Extremists, it's just as possible the terrorists would be dancing if another *Republican* were elected, not a Democrat who might diffuse their recruitment and hate-mongering toward the U.S. with a sensible foreign policy, a willingness to look at the Middle East as something other than "our oil", and, yes, Mister Poe, someone who might even share a middle name.
Would McGovern's victory in '72 have been a victory for North Vietnam?
Obama's victory should and will be cheered in the Middle East and across the Muslim world - probably most of the world.
obama needs to stress how we need to confront terrorists in the right way, and provide examples (for instance, let's say, i don't know, maybe iraq) to demonstrate what happens when you don't have the best plan going into it.
Facial infarctions from face-attacking infections in the Middle East kill more US citizens than do terrorists.
Why are we living in Fear?
We are Americans!
We will NEVER live in Fear!
As an African American and Obama supporter, I seriously doubt whether a black person will ever be a presidential nominee, let alone President. However, kudos to Obama for trying. After he serves out his term in the Senate, he should return to private life where he and Michelle can properly rear their children.
Steve King is such a tool. People from western Iowa are pretty stupid, but he really takes the cake, even for them.
Of course, the Iowa dems pretty much cede that seat to whatever neanderthal the GOP comes up with, and only run token nutcases against him. Sort of like the WA GOP and McDermott's seat.
It's funny that King would say that muslims won't believe that Obama has converted to christianity when extremist muslims actually hate Obama for having rejected Islam, the religion of his father.
Whoa, whoa, Catalina. I'm not an idiot, and I AM from western Iowa. Blatant anti-Mexican racism is likely what got King elected, not low IQ scores. People like Steve King should be ashamed of themselves. He actually said on a radio station "The last thing Iowa needs is more Mexicans". If Iowa had a more organized liberal media machine, King's racist, sexist and heterosexist statements and policies would have turned him exposed him as Iowa's David Duke long ago.
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