TV Tucker Carlson No Longer Hurting America
posted by March 10 at 8:39 AM
onInsiders tell TVNewser Tucker Carlson’s 6pmET show Tucker is getting the axe, but Carlson stays on as a political contributor to all MSNBC shows at least through the 2008 election. The official announcement, expected tomorrow, will include details about who will replace Tucker at 6pmET as well as other political programming additions. Sources say the network is going to beef up its schedule with more NBC News talent.
Watching Tucker Carlson on teevee—not something I did willingly or often—was always a painful experience. I remember one episode in particular: He was talking about hate crimes legislation, waving his arms around, and screaming “Why should it be more illegal to beat up me, a straight man, than to beat you up, a gay man?” at some hapless spokesmodel for the gay civil rights movement. The guy from the gay group stuck to his talking points, didn’t answer Tucker’s question, and so Tucker—doing his best Bill O’Reilly—kept repeating the question, upping the volume and mock outrage with each repetition.
The answer, of course, is that hate crimes statutes apply whether the victim is gay or straight; if a person is targeted for violence because of his real or perceived sexual orientation—whether he’s gay or straight—the added penalties of hate crimes laws kick in. (Why added penalties for hate crimes? Because when someone is targeted for violence to send a message to a large group of people—get out, you’re unsafe, be afraid, etc.—he or she is not the only victim.) So if a band of big, bad gay people go out straight bashing one night and beat the fuck out of Tucker Carlson, Tucker’s bashers would face added penalties for targeting Carlson because of his sexual orientation. Tucker, who isn’t an idiot (despite having played one teevee for many years), had to know this—anyone that takes a moment to actually read a hate crimes statute or an article about hate crimes statutes knows this. But Tucker was too busy playing the outraged conservative teevee shouter to let facts get his way.
Oh, and this is a good time to enjoy this clip again: John Stewart takes Tucker Carlson apart on Crossfire in 2004…
Let's not forget the HI-LARIOUS story about beating a gay man in a bathroom... warms my heart just thinking about it. Ah , Tucker- you will be missed.
My favorite segment from his show was when he had an "expert" on to talk about how conservative men were better in bed because they're forceful and take charge... needless to say, he ate that shit up.
Oh man, I love John Stewart.
I've always thought the term "hate crime" was a huge misnomer that the right is easily able to exploit to its benefit and that the left is seemingly unable to rhetorically defend. Hate crimes should be renamed "burning yard-cross crimes" or "group intimidation crimes," or something snazzier than I am able to conjure. Even just "group-hate crimes" might be an improvement.
happy to see him go, though the dude is a cockroach, inflammatory little cockroach in a DAMN bow-tie. i don't see him disappearing any time soon.
@4 - why not just call it terrorism?
That was priceless.
What does Tucker Carlson have on whomever keeps giving him a show? He's a dud. He'll always be a dud. He'll never be anything but a dud. Fire his ass once and for all.
Tucker Carlson is an empty suit. No talent; calling him a hack does misjustice to the true hacks of the world.
He wears a bow-tie because without it he'd be invisible.
Tucker Carlson is a grave threat to this great nation, and Citizen Stewart is a hero for helping end his seditious broadcasts. The bow-tied man will hurt America no more!
Tucker Carlson may be a tool, but he's right about hate crime legislation: it should not exist.
The shocking thing about Tucker Carlson is that while odious on TV he's actually a good feature writer. He had a piece in one of the men's magazines (GQ?) about traveling with Cornel West, Al Sharpton, a member of the Nation of Islam, to Africa that was a great read, really funny. He also had a recent profile of Ron Paul in TNR which was, again, quite readable.
Who knows, maybe he's just really well edited...
Good riddance. Love the tape.
Would love to pull up to a Jack In The Box drive through and see Tucker behind the window. But I'd have to start going to JITB.
That has to be one of my top three "proud to be an american" moments. John Stewart is a hero.
I emailed the Olberman show when he said that stupid shit about beating up a gay guy for thier "worst person in the world" segment. Of course they didn't use it, cowards. Someday it'd be nice to return the favor :)
Remember when Tucker had his PBS show? The guy had no aptitude for interviewing guests whatsoever. MSNBC needs to replace her with the great Rachel Maddow of Air America Radio. I just love her!
It's a shame nobody outed Tucker.
Good riddance. MSNBC & CNN should stop catering to the right-wing idiots of this country. FOX and talk radio already do a more than sufficient job of being tools.
Maybe they'll off Glen Beck next.
Jon. Jon Stewart. Not John.
This is all because Tucker Carlson got fat.
@1: I saw a video clip of that once, which is the only time I've ever watched him. My favorite part was when he was talking about the gay guy, and said, "I grabbed him by his....I grabbed him!" Grabbed him by his what, Tucker?
@ 7, yeah 6 is priceless.
Good post Dan.
Notwithstanding all the icky things about him, Tucker Carlson did expose George W Bush on Carla Faye Tucker (was that her name? the developmentally disabled Texas Death Row inmate whose execution W allowed to go forward, and whom W mocked in his interview with Carlson?)
Watching this clip again makes me think - watch how well (cough) he responds to being called a dick, and his general phony laughter as Jon utterly decimates him - then try to square that demeanor with his claims of gettin' all tough with the guy that was supposedly hitting on him.
Kinda difficult math required for that equation, don't you think?
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