2008 Total Pandemonium at Seattle Central Community College, Too
posted by February 9 at 14:23 PM
onMan, that was confusing and crowded and hot. There were way more people stuffed into those rooms than those rooms can hold, and finding your precint line was total chaos. First you had to look on a map to see what number your precint was, but 300 people crowding around a map the size of a regular piece of paper taped up onto a wall is, uh, suboptimal. Plus, soon as you’d fought your way to the front to see the map, the streets were all faint and illegible—no wonder it had taken forever for other people to get the information they needed and get out of the way. Then—then!—you had to find your aforementioned precint line, and were the numbers in order along the wall? No! They went, like, 1867, 1868, 1945, 1901, 1888, 1950, etc. And the halls were so crowded you couldn’t move.
I’m so with you, Dan. But whatever—our precinct sent 5 delegates for Obama and 1 for Hillary. Five to one. I was happy.
I'll tell ya what causes pandemonium...an enormous penis!!!
It was a mess. Grrrr.
43-1849: 5 delegates for Obama, 1 delegate for Clinton. (50 total votes for Obama, 14 for Clinton)
Three precints crammed into one Gym supposed to hold a max of 140, it was easily three times that number. Prencint A went for Obama, 10 delegates for him, 1 for her, Precint B was 10 Obama and 1 Hillary, Precint C was 6 Obama and one Hillary.
Final add up for out tiny Gym was 26 Obama delgates to Hillary's measley 3. Obama rocked the house!!
in our caucus precinct at lowell elementary, 43-2017, it was 6 for obama, one for hillary. it was hot but organized and i got to meet a few my new neighbors, since i just moved to the neighborhood. good times.
If you knew what your precinct was before you got there you could save yourself a lot of trouble. Its on your voter registration card and probably online somewhere...
"...crowding around a map the size of a regular piece of paper taped up onto a wall is, uh, suboptimal."
I told the labor temple guy the same thing. TOO small.
The fact that you're using this site means you can look this shit up online. Please don't discourage further participated by focusing on the negative. Or if you do want to moan, volunteer to make it better. Democracy takes work and involvement. Also, there was a telephone hotline for questions. I called late yesterday, left a message, and they called me back to answer my question. Nice work volunteers!
The fact that you're using this site means you can look this shit up online. Please don't discourage further participation by focusing on the negative. Or if you do want to moan, volunteer to make it better. Democracy takes work and involvement. Also, there was a telephone hotline for questions. I called late yesterday, left a message, and they called me back to verify my precinct number. Nice work volunteers!
Oh man, the typo above is driving me nuts. Sorry. I meant participation.
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