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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Proud to Be an American

posted by on February 20 at 13:45 PM

Michelle Obama, who yesterday made this easily-pounced-on statement about her feelings on America, and today, in a nod to predictable right wing outrage such as this, says this.

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Um, I'm confused ... I thought we were electing him as President, not her?

Or is this going to count as "experience"?

Posted by Will in Seattle | February 20, 2008 1:47 PM

that makes me, amber atkins, proud to be an american.

Posted by um | February 20, 2008 1:52 PM

Michelle is the 'new' Hillary....

Are they going to ask her to bake cookies too?

Posted by Andrew | February 20, 2008 1:53 PM

I was at McCain's "I am the candidate!" event in Columbus, OH, last night, and he went off on M. Obama's comment several to many times during his speech. Makes me wonder what he was planning on saying before she made the remark.

PS McCain's crowd was *scary,* including shouts of "Commies!" at times when he referenced democrats.

Posted by clausti | February 20, 2008 1:53 PM

Well. If WALNUTS! McCain wants to go after his opponent's wife, perhaps now we can all start talking about Cindy McCain's little pill-popping addiction and how she used her own charity (her own CHARITY, people!) that provided prescription drugs to those of us who are less fortunate as her own personal dealer.

Or we could talk about how she helped break up the Senator's first marriage to become his wealthy trophy wife that funded his entry into politics.

But we wouldn't want to bring candidate's wives into this, would we?

Posted by Michigan Matt | February 20, 2008 1:59 PM

It's going to be sad to watch McCain throw away his remaining shreds of integrity as he enthusiastically works the controls of the right wing smear machine. All for the chance to end his career in defeat.

Posted by elenchos | February 20, 2008 2:01 PM


Also: Can you remember the theme from your favorite pagent?

Posted by als | February 20, 2008 2:02 PM

Has anyone heard Bill O'Reilly's comment? What a fucking D BAG!

Posted by Pretty Titty | February 20, 2008 2:02 PM

Has anyone heard Bill O'Reilly's comment? What a fucking D BAG!

Posted by Pretty Titty | February 20, 2008 2:03 PM

What's not to be proud of? The gap between the rich and poor has widened, 1 in 6 have no health insurance, the American dream is all but dead, invaded Iraq twice, vets are living on the street and the President is destroying your constitutional democrary. Oh yeah, and the US can't sign Kyoto and is ignoring the Genva Conventions, and the rest of the world hates you.

It's hardly the time to be counting the accomplishments. When is this Rupert Murdoch bullshitathon going to be over?

Posted by left coast | February 20, 2008 2:07 PM

@1 Great point Will

It just shows the desereration to find any kind of crack in his armor.

ALL the candidates are worried about his momentum irrespective of their party.

They realize that the people want to believe in this knight in shining armor, and they need to find a way to tarnish that image.

Notice he has always stayed above the low brow, no class attack politics.

Obama doesn't need to stoop to their level of dirty politics. It's sad to see our "politicians" bring the race down to this meaningless stuff.

I have a feeling the general citizen agrees with this, and is simply fed up with the crap.

Hence Obama's popularity on both sides of the aisle with moderates.

Reality Check

Posted by Reality Check | February 20, 2008 2:07 PM

she made michelle malkin's life a lot easier this week. it's been the lead story on her blog the past couple days, as well as the topic of this week's column. it's always fun to see how much mileage she can wring out of a single sentence taken completely out of context.

Posted by brandon | February 20, 2008 2:16 PM

Strange, not that it factors into my voting decision at all, but I have been impressed by Michelle's presence on the campaign. When she was on Larry King, I kept thinking, would I be so polished and on point all the time if that were me?

I am not referring so much to the "proud to be an American" part, but the "in my adult life" part. That just made them sound young -- it got me thinking about who has been preseident in her life time, and, wow, her first election she was eligible to vote in was Reagan's second term.

She has generally been very good at deflecting anything that alludes to their relative youth and inexperience on the national stage.

Posted by Julie | February 20, 2008 2:24 PM

Barf. Can we just ignore this bullshit?

Posted by Greg | February 20, 2008 2:28 PM

...and so it officially starts. This is the first of 9 more months of ugly political mud slinging. The media must be crying with joy over all the great sound bites and sensational headlines that will sell sell sell!

Posted by :: shawn :: | February 20, 2008 2:39 PM

@3 - no, they want her to bake brownies.

I expect she would, but she'd use a recipe from New Orleans instead ...

Posted by Will in Seattle | February 20, 2008 3:26 PM

I'm proud to say I'm not usually proud of the US. In fact when I travel abroad I usually pretend I'm Canadian or Mexican. I can fake a Canadian accent well enough. :D

Posted by SDizzle | February 20, 2008 3:33 PM

@17 - really? Which one? BC, Alberta, Prairies, Ontario, or Quebec? Or do you pull off a Cape Breton one? Nobody can do Newf like a local tho ...

Posted by Will in Seattle | February 20, 2008 3:49 PM

i saw cindy mccaine mockingly mentioned michelle obama's comments... cindy's biting off a bit more than she can chew, methinks.

Posted by Judith | February 20, 2008 3:49 PM

@13: I hadn't done the math yet, but I was thinking along similar lines...given who's been in office and what has happened in her (and my) adult life, I'm not sure there's much we should have been proud of. If McCain and the right latch on to this, there's loads of return fodder for the Dems to shoot back with.

Posted by Jason | February 20, 2008 4:15 PM

What ever happened to McCain's first wife's kids, anyway, and why don't we see them on the campaign trail?

Posted by Will in Seattle | February 20, 2008 4:18 PM

Ok y'all gonna hate me for this but:
Proud that people are getting involved? And, the unspoken idea here is that it *might* be bc of Obama?

What is unnerving about the participation level and the high hopes is that it really might not be about (or bc of) Obama...OR about a people to be proud of...the energy is simply a reaction to horrible, no good, disastrous, terrible, effed-up Bush administration. The reason for packed primaries and caucuses, Obamamania and all the Kool-aid etc is bc we are all reacting to the Bush terror of the past 8 years. An administration that was the result of the apathy of these very same folks who are renewing their participatory vigor. It took Bush-terror to get us all going. Is that something to be proud of? Really? I think we are just desperate. Obama is cool n all...but fainting?

I'm not proud of these peeps yet. Or of Obama (yet). I'm still disappointed that we let Bush into power in the first place. If enough of us had voted in 2000 and 2004 this wouldn't have happened. So let's not pat ourselves on the back too much. We still deserve a kick in the ass for the past 8 years.

Posted by onion is not impressed yet | February 20, 2008 4:57 PM

Is it wrong of me to point out that this is just the very first tiniest bit of the mound of Republican shit I mentioned earlier?

I will be interested to see how Obama handles it. Hint: don't pull a Kerry. To assume that your opponent's argument is so absurd that it can't possibly gain any traction is exactly what got us eight years of the Bush.

Also, at a tactical level, it would absolutely confirm the worst fears of those Clinton supporters for whom the ability to respond to such attacks is a strong component of our support for Hills.

Posted by Big Sven | February 20, 2008 5:24 PM

Even Slate, the Mouth of Obama, has a problem with the Michelle Obama quote.

Posted by Big Sven | February 20, 2008 5:53 PM

That monkey faced NI-GG NO-GG!


Posted by SDgFDSHgFh | February 20, 2008 6:18 PM

There is nothing wrong with Michelle Obama's statement. What the hell has Michelle got to be proud of? She's not a robotic, flag-waving idiot who thinks patriotism means blindly following the idiot in charge. I also think she was referring to our country's *government* and not our society in general. I have never in my lifetime (I'm 48, white, and female) been proud of my government and the last president I marginally respected was Jimmy Carter. I would *love* to feel differently. Unfortunately, as long as our government runs without accountability and a system of checks, it'll always one I can't be proud of. As the saying goes, "A government is a body of people, usually, notably, ungoverned."

Posted by Riverfox | February 20, 2008 10:04 PM


After Texas and Ohio when Hillary can bow out gracefully, she will take her 527's and her rich donor base and set up a PAC to smear the crap out of McCain. She'll take all the heat for it and Obama can keep the pretty Democrat face.

This has only been a prediction.

Back to you.

Posted by crk on bellevue ave | February 21, 2008 8:06 AM

If she does that, we'll have to do something nice for her.

Send her a card, or flowers, or something.

Posted by NapoleonXIV | February 21, 2008 8:31 AM

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