News Oh My God
posted by February 1 at 14:31 PM
onABC News reports:
Remote-controlled explosives strapped to two mentally retarded women detonated in a coordinated attack on Baghdad pet bazaars Friday, Iraqi officials said, killing at least 73 people in the deadliest day since the U.S. sent 30,000 extra troops to the capital last spring.The chief Iraqi military spokesman in Baghdad, Brig. Gen. Qassim al-Moussawi, said the female bombers had Down syndrome and that the explosives were detonated by remote control indicating they may not having been willing attackers in what could be a new method by suspected Sunni insurgents to subvert stepped up security measures.
I need a drink.
UPDATE: Once again, I have reposted a story already reported in Brad Steinbacher’s Morning News. This is because I, myself, am retarded.
i guess life doesn't go on
Wasn't this your leading story when I came in at 8:30 this morning?
Good thing the surge is working. Jebus H. Christ.
how is it seemingly more objectionable to use retards to kill a ton of people? the coercive factor? they are already killing people, this shouldnt come as any surprise.
its like being shocked that drug dealers also engage in other illegal activities. really?
Self-motivated martyr/murderers are one thing, booby-trapped innocents with Down's syndrome are something else.
This made me cry this morning.
So women for militant, extremist Muslim men aren't of much use to society, but women with Down's Syndrome are apparently VERY valuable...
I'm having the "Retards for Allah" T-shirts printed up right now. No cartoons, though, because we wouldn't want to offend anyone.
The "people" who did this are not worth the urine it would take to piss on their graves.
The "turrists win" when they do things like this; look how many people are talking about it. Sorta like the story that was pushed of putting the bombs inside of infants to carry on to planes once
this is horrible. i'm guessing these individuals did not consent, nor could they (were able to).
if this war is going to continue, at least involve only people who consent.
and @ 1, i would have to agree w/ you, for these two people, life did NOT go on. a mildly funny reference. ;)
If, of course, the story is true. It could be yet another one of those things where a real journalist finds out that it wasn't really retarded people, but no one pays attention to the correction.
Wait, David Schmader is posting about actual news, as in real-world events?
Pure. Fucking. Evil.
Ignore the three main Internet cables cut in the Middle East.
It's not like Cheney's launching an attack on Iran or anything ...
Pet bazaar?
I read a story about a baby in Russia with cerebral palsy who was literally tossed in the garbage. Some societies view the mentally disabled as completely disposable. Does Iraqi society generally share that view or are these terrorists particularly fucked up?
Well, WE have had retards IN CHARGE of the "War on Tair," (esp the Commander in Chief), so maybe this is their way of keeping up, lest there be a Retard Gap?
@15, India also lost internet access this week. Are we invading Bollywood?
im not saying it didnt happen, but this is all the proof ( at least in the article) theyre offering?
"Baghdad, Brig. Gen. Qassim al-Moussawi, said the female bombers had Down syndrome "
a corrupt govt's general's word?
Why shouldn't the disabled be afforded equal access to car bombs and suicide vests?
Confused @ 13: Yeah, Britney gave me the day off.
Dude, it was at a PET BAZAAR! Now THAT is fucked.
@4 haven't you been told a million times that the world isn't black and white? jesus man.
you really don't see how it's more objectionable?
am i evil for wondering "hmm..the govt. has lied to us before" couldn't this be propaganda? i'm just sayin'..
@18 - no, India's only partially affected. If you look at the online web page for Net traffic, you see that only one country has 100 percent reduction in Net traffic - Iran.
It's one of the lead stories on slashdot.
Pet bazaar? Have we considered that it might have been the work of pit bulls?
At first I thought that no human could do this, that such a thing could only be the work of beasts. But this capacity for intelligent and purposeful evil is exclusive to humanity.
This isn't a work of pit bulls or terrorists. This is the work of the PETA branch in Baghdad.
Well, wtf to say about this?
Pure. Fucking. Evil. is pretty accurate, but it's been said.
I could say I sure hope there is a special place in Hell for those behind this attrocity, but that's weak in so many ways.
Sad thing is, while this particular attrocity may be unique, or at least somewhat different than the usual attrocities perpetrated by human on other humans, it's rather par for the course.
I sometimes wish that all the evil people (and I mean ALL OF THEM) would just die. However, I suspect that entirely of our species would be killed off would such a wish be granted.
Thankfully, the day will come when such a wish will be fulfilled. I won't be there to see, but the world may well breath a sigh of relief. I'm pretty sure that attrocities like this will no longer occur after said day, but a new source of malevolence may have arisen by then. Hmmm....
Could someone pass me the pizza. It will get cold before I (or anyone else) figures this one out.
Fucking bastards. KILL THEM ALL!!!!
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