Politics Congress v. Clemens
posted by February 26 at 9:15 AM
onThis makes my head explode:
A Congressional committee has taken the first steps toward asking the Department of Justice to start a criminal investigation into whether Roger Clemens committed perjury during testimony about performance-enhancing drugs, according to three lawyers with knowledge of the matter.
How many Bush administration officials have lied to Congress under oath? Alberto Gonzales gets a pass and Clemens get indicted? The Democrats that control Congress can’t be bothered with investigating the politically-motivated prosecution of a Democratic governor by the U.S. Justice department but it has all the time in the world to roast retired athletes over a spit? Christ.
Well, you once voted for Nader, right? So it's not like you don't understand that the US government is a bunch of self-protecting bastards on both sides of the aisles. You aren't honestly shocked nor surprised.
As a former Bostonian and Red Sox fan, I can confirm that Roger Clemens is more evil than anyone in the current administration, and this is actually a long, long time coming.
I'm hoping for an old-fashioned burning at the stake!
Thank god congress will destroy the scourage of steriods in pro baseball. We all know THAT is what is destorying America.
I never voted for Nader.
politicians are grandstanding on issues of little or no real significance? i'm SHOCKED, i tell you, SHOCKED.
extending the brand of the drug war.
But Dan, even impeachment is Off. The. Table.
Srsly, I read recently that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have remote controlled explosives implanted in their heads, and if they do anything other than smile, wave and push the Republican agenda, there'll be a bang so loud they won't even hear it.
It's the most plausible explanation for their behavior so far.
We all know how important it is to stop steroids in baseball. It was even a key feature of Bush's SOTU address a couple of years ago along with stopping terrists, upper class tax cuts, more minumum wage jobs.
I am madder about the Arlen Spector led Spygate trials.. They are both lame when put to the Alberto standard though..
Heh, then i must have you confused with someone else... who on your staff (passed or present am I confusing you with?)
The rumor is dragging around that Bush would pardon Clemens if indicted. That would seem about right for the administration. Barry?
Dan, thanks for referencing Scott Harper's reporting about the Siegelman prosecution. Siegelman himself has said that his case will be the "Watergate" of the Bush administration, and with the recent 60 Minutes report, it may happen. Please continue to track it and make people aware. Thanks!
Amen. Jon Stewart yelled about this a few weeks ago, it was fantastic.
Remember, you don't want to charge them with the crime until GWB can't pardon them.
Jan 22nd - the day the charges should be filed.
Will in Seattle @ 14,
Then on January 23rd, the Dumrats in the Senate will make sure all the charges are dropped.
They'll tearfully explain to the Uhmurikan people that they just don't have the 150 votes needed to convict.
How cool would baseball be if they had manditory steroid use? Talk about Roid Rage.
Bill Clinton once bombed Libya to get the media off his back over Monica.
This bullshit is Terri Schiavo 2.0. Why the fuck is Congress involved again? Dan hit the nail on the head with this one. I hate organized sports (and the exorbitant pay scale involved) more than anyone else on this Earth, but I don't think Congress needs to be wasting their time on this crap.
(And as if it isn't fairly fucking obvious that these players are all on 'roids, anyway...just look at before and after photos. "I worked out for years and years and barely grew bigger, but now I have a better trainer and my biceps doubled in size in a month." Right.)
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