Visual Art Putting Down the Paper
posted by January 31 at 11:00 AM
onThat’s the title of my column this week, a column that leaves me feeling ambivalent.
It describes how, last week, I tried to explain in print that there wasn’t enough room in print for everything I’m writing about art—that there was more room online. But then, there wasn’t enough room in print for that column.
The second-to-last paragraph of the column is a compilation of what we’ve been doing online in the last few weeks (with links to the 22 items), if you’re interested.
Add to that, since the column came out yesterday: a podcast with Ellen Forney and Kelly O at the R. Crumb show; my review of the great Nazi art-looting movie “The Rape of Europa”; and Nancy Stoaks’s encouraging words for the Bellevue Arts Museum in light of the new traveling show of sculpture there.
Online is where it’s at. It still makes me feel weird to say that.
And yet ... I was looking to see if the Caffe Laddro in Fremont had the print edition last night ...
Without paper it's easy to miss things.
Like the cool Voodou Carnivale party at Theo's Chocolate in Fremont this Saturday night ...
Why is the slog better than the stranger's print edition? Roaches can't lay their eggs on it.
Yeah, but there's something about paper that makes browsing more fun.
The advantage of print: There's competition for space, so the crap gets left behind. Unfortunately not the case online.
(It's a general comment, not referring to to your work at all, Jen.)
I'll go along with that, 4.
What about all the energy it takes to process the paper, manufacture the ink, ship both in giant trucks and trains, fire the press, deliver the papers, etc.
the internets. (the green quality of which I'm not totally sure about, because gerbils aren't exactly powering this thing, either).
Nah, we still need demand for recycled paper, so if the Stranger prints on that with soy-based ink, it's a win-win.
Besides, I need something to clean the windows with, given that I no longer get the Times.
I'm with you. I was at an interesting event last weekend, that got plenty of previews and listings, but zero critical analysis.... on paper.
Online however, there were like 10 really well-thought-out, differing, thorough, substantial articles, and some real discussion.
Online is where it's At
make that a t-shirt slogan, I'd wear that!
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