2008 Ouch
posted by January 29 at 10:18 AM
For weeks, as he was getting shellacked in Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan and South Carolina, Rudolph W. Giuliani, former front-runner for the Republican nomination, answered his skeptics with a simple refrain: just wait till Florida, his stronghold and his bulwark against the tide of losses in the early states.Now Florida has arrived, and Mr. Giuliani’s bulwark is looking a little leaky.
The Giuliani campaign chartered a 727 on Monday for a day of barnstorming on the eve of Tuesday’s big primary, but none of the rallies at airports in Sanford, Clearwater, Fort Myers or Fort Lauderdale drew even a hundred supporters [The] crowds at some of the airport rallies were so small that it might have been more efficient to fly them to the candidate, instead of vice versa.
The complete collapse of the Giuliani campaign has been a beautiful thing to watch.
It sure has.
The more he campaigns, the more his poll numbers drop. The guy is just a total jackass.
he lost the moment the iowa results were released.
its fun to watch the NYTIMES being so mean to that tool giuliani.
their endorsement editorial where they trashed him is a classic!!
they paid back that mo-fo HARD!!!
Now that was a stupid strategy, wasn't it?
Betcha wish you'd tried, I dunno - AT ALL, in NH and Michigan, hmmmm?
It's funny, because in some ways -- on social issues -- Giuliani is the most attractive Republican.
But he's run THE WORST campaign in the history of the USA, and in the process revealed himself to be the biggest colostomy bag in the world. He has the worst message, and states it with the greatest incompetence. He looks rabidly insane on the stump; one gets the impression he'd be firing off nuclear weapons halfway through his inauguration, against Belize or Bhutan or somebody, possibly by accident.
As a result, he's now the one candidate that I absolutely hate and wish an infinite amount of ill will on. Huckabee's a tool, and doesn't know what he's doing; but Giuliani knows, and he's doing it anyways. He's a revolting scumbag.
The idea that Rudy did nothing in the early primaries is a fallacy, a narrative he or the media or both drummed up to make copy.
From Eric Alterman:
"Giuliani never skipped over early states like New Hampshire; rather, the voters skipped over him. He did finish in fourth place in the Granite State, barley nudging out Ron Paul -- but it wasn't for lack of trying. Giuliani actually held 126 campaign events in the state, notable because the winner, John McCain, held only 104 events. Giuliani also spent $2.5 million is television ads there."
But the schadenfreude of watching him go down is still just as sweet.
Also shows how much the media screwed up in anointing him the front runner
I honestly can't see Rudy Giuliani suffer enough public humiliation.
Remember that little blow-up between Rudy and Ron Paul in the first GOP debate, where Paul had the temerity to posit that the 9/11 attacks might have had something to do with US foreign policy, and Giuliani had a hissy fit?
At this point, it is entirely possible that Ron Paul will beat Giuliani in every primary that they both contest. That will never, ever stop being awesome.
(Note: I am not a Ron Paul supporter.)
Couldn't have happened to a more appropriate crypto-fascist.
Probably won't prevent him from getting a whole lot of extremely lucrative consulting and corporate speaking gigs, though.
so long, sucker.
i would be SO HAPPY to hear he has dropped out in disgrace.
a complete, egomaniacal, fascist tool.
Seriously, gang. Fred Thompson ran the worst presidential campaign in recent memory, if you can call those occasional moments he spent in front of TV cameras, sleepily mumbling about how much Metamucil, prune juice, and Grape Nuts he consumed that morning, a "campaign".
But, Rudy does come in a close second in the "lamest campaign EVER" contest...
The Republicants were never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever going to endorse a pro-choice candidate.
Just like they are never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever going to endorse a Mormon.
Rudy flaming out is not a shock. He's got a Bush-like intellect, but minus the "folksy charm". I doubt ANYONE would want to have a beer with Giulliani.
Congrats to Joe Biden for bringing Rudy-bashing to the mainstream.
But Comte, ol' Fred didn't really put a lot of work into it. He's still getting his fourteen hours of sleep a night. Rudy campaigned really, really hard. Unfortunately, every time he shows his face or opens his mouth, he loses votes. Read Andy Niable @8 above. He worked his ass off, and is getting liquified in return. Hilarious.
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