2008 Obama on The Wire
posted by January 14 at 10:15 AM
onJ. Patrick Coolican, formerly of The Seattle Times, now of The Las Vegas Sun, scores an interview with Barack Obama in which he briefly talks with the presidential candidate about two of Slog’s biggest loves: The Wire and The Gays.
Even more Sloggerific: Despite the tolerance he showed toward an anti-gay preacher back in October, Obama reveals his favorite character on The Wire to be… Omar.
That’s right, Omar (above center), the gay gangsta who robs drug dealers for a living, cries over the brutal death of his gun-toting boyfriend (above left), and turns out to make a killer government witness. (And, you know, full disclosure: Omar’s also my favorite Wire character.)
You can listen to audio of the interview here, but it’s short and, in the world of the Slog, probably comes close to breaking news, so I’ll also transcribe it for you:
Obama: I gotta say Omar’s a great character. That’s not an endorsement.Coolican: (Laughing.) Uh oh, you’re making national news here.
Obama: Exactly. That is not an endorsement. He is not my favorite person. But he’s a fascinating character.
Coolican: And there’s a real life story behind it, too.
Obama: He’s this gay gangster who only robs drug dealers, and then gives back. You know, he’s sort of a Robin Hood. And he’s the toughest, baddest guy on this show, but he’s gay, you know. And it’s really interesting. It’s a fascinating character.
AAAAAHHHHH! Close your b tag.
Fox News ALERT!!!!
Obama endorses vigilantee Robin Hood activities in the 'hood!!!
Omar is the biggest bad ass in the history of television. He has to be everyone’s favorite character.
Omar is the truth, but he is no Robin Hood. He keeps his money, doesnt give to the poor, and is fair with his henchmen.
My prediction. Omar takes out Snoop and Chris takes down Omar.
Favorite Omar line:
Youre Lying to live.
The Wire soundtrack has Paul Weller doing I Walk on Gilded Splinters (confident. to any Jam fan) and SIXTEEN TONS done by someone who is not Tenessee Ernie Ford. i thought of Anthony when I saw it at Easy Street over the weekend. I was buying the December issue of Seattle Sound mag - there's a distant mention in it of my efforts toward a "trainwreck"
vegas is a la la town. yuck, perhaps seattle in the future if certain pollsters have their way. Sue! Sue! Sue! Bad Builder! Naughty bOy/girl! I'm an idiot because i didn't inspect the building. ask questions! Sue Sue Sue Tears in my beer! Whine in my Stein!
Omar don't scare.
In-deed. Now Obama has me. Suspicions that he's a camouflaged corporate suckup are out the window. If he's into the Wire, and is as enamored of Omar as I, he's planning many moves ahead of everybody.
He takes office and sets to kicking ass. Working for him, voting for him, seeing what he does once in office = reasons to live.
Omar is everyone's favorite character. no points for Obama here.
If he'd said Snoop, I'd change my vote.
Obama says: "He’s the toughest, baddest guy on this show, but he’s gay."
Is that like being African American but "articulate and clean?" Obama supporters freaked out when Sen. Joe Biden said he was the first African American candidate who was "articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy ... "
It's not unusual for gay people to be bad-ass and tough - look at Alexander the Great and the Sacred Band of Thebes.
If you have to reach back 2400 years for an example, that's pretty unusual. You must be able to think of somebody more recent?
Obama's probably attracted to the fact that this is a character that could have been yet another stereotyped gay or stereotyped black, and instead the character goes against type. He doesn't conform to the mold, and he's popular. Sort of like Obama.
Good catch.
I agree with elenchos @11.
@12 and 10: If he had said, "He's gay, but he's the toughest baddest guy on this show," you might have had a case. But he's clearly saying that the character breaks the stereotype of a tough bad guy. True, and good for the show, and good for Obama.
There were no gay men in ancient Greece as we understand the term now. There was absolutely homosexual activity, but I really doubt Obama was referring to that.
I love me some Omar. Oooooooooweeee, do I love me some Omar. At least Obama has good taste. Did he smoke Newports before he quit?
He probably smoked menthol Kools, like most brothers.
Y'all is crazy.
Seriously, B.O. just got my vote. Omar is the shit.
I think the "he’s the toughest, baddest guy on this show, but he’s gay" quote just acknowledges that by making him both gay AND the most tough, the show is going against stereotypes. It defies the homophobic but unfortunately popular notion that gay men are somehow weaker than straight men.
Anyway, Obama has great taste! The Wire is the greatest show ever.
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