2008 Your Iowa Predictions?
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Originally posted on Dec. 30
Local politico Sandeep Kaushik is ready to throw down a prediction for the Iowa caucuses—with one big caveat:
Only a fool would try to predict the outcome of the Iowa caucuses. It's a suckers bet.
Having said that, Kaushik offers a prediction, and even a point-spread. He says:
Edwards wins Iowa cleanly:Edwards 34
Clinton 27
Obama 25
His bet on the Republican side?
On the R side, I say Romney by five over Huckabee, who barely beats out a surging McCain (who becomes a major story line heading into NH). Thompson finishes fourth:Romney 31
Huckabee 26
McCain 24
Thompson 10
Paul and Giuliani split the rest.
What say you, Slog readers? Put your own predictions and point-spreads in the comments. Or, if you consider yourself a notable local politico, send me an email with your predicted results and if I agree that your prediction is worth posting I'll put it in the body of this post, just like I did with Sandeep's.
UPDATE: Jenny Durkan, chair of the Edwards campaign in Washington State, writes in with her prediction:
I predict Eli buys.
And former local politico Grant Cogswell offers this:
I don't know if I qualify, maybe as an ex-politico, but far be it from me to make an ass of myself in public: I'm not going to get scientific with the numbers, but I think it will be Clinton over Obama by a nose with Edwards coming in third, and Huckabee.
(Don't have a prediction yet? Don't worry, there are still four three days before the caucuses, which is plenty of time to make bold declarations that will get you laughed at, or praised as a genius, on Jan. 4. I'll be letting this post ride the Slog every day through the Iowa caucuses, so start thinking—or, if you're done thinking, get in here and take a public risk. In the world of political punditry, it's never too early to be wrong!)
Fuckabee 31
Mitton 21
John McPOW 20
Edwards 29
Obama 28
Clinton 28