News Morning News
posted by November 25 at 8:33 AM
onposted by news intern Brian Slodysko
Maybe we’re not as into spreading democracy as we thought: U.S. scales back political goals in Iraq for more obtainable objectives.
Afghanistan: White House says we’re not on track there either.
Today in dissent: Russian authorities crack-down on poltical unruliness, quell union demonstration.
After the surge: Troop levels to be reduced by 5,000
Blaze rages on: 49 homes destroyed in Malibu.
Murder: Romney calls for judge’s resignation after released man kills Puyallup couple.
OMG WTF R U DOING!!!: Beltway elite increasingly rely on common man’s Costco to cater high-class events.
Laguna Beach? Try again. The fires are in Malibu
"White House says were not on track there either."
Did you maybe mean "we're" rather than were?
Posting this comment from downtown Laguna Beach, I can assure you that Malibu is not Laguna Beach and there are no fires here.
O.k. we've had our coffee now. Fixed.
But the real question is, where are the elite buying their TOILET PAPER? Are they still wiping their asses with Costco bulk or have they moved on to gourmet toilet paper with gold leaves woven into the silk fibers?
Katelyn @5
No the poor dears have had to stop using the plush stuff and now they're stuck using the cheap crap from Costco us commoners use.
Fucking stucco.
If you living in an dry climate prone to fires build your house with fucking stucco and it won't burn to the ground. They've known this in California since 1906.
Wah! Wah! Some of the ingredients for the elites' dinners come from the common man's Costco! ANYONE can shop there (if they've got $45 a year, that is) - it's so plebian! And their $1.50 hot dogs - why do they taste so good? Wah! It's so hard to be a moneyed elite these days.
Once you've had the Waldorf's $1200.00 hot dog, you can never go back.
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