Visual Art The Closest Thing Contemporary Art in Seattle Has to a Center
posted by November 15 at 14:38 PM
onJen Graves on the Lawrimore Project phenomenon:
It would be insulting to other contemporary galleries to say that Lawrimore Project is the center around which the art world in Seattle orbits. But it’s fair to say that Lawrimore Project is the closest thing contemporary art in Seattle has to a center, and the only place that feels like a center, like a place where, at one point or another, everybody—and everybody’s energy—collects.
It pulls things toward it. Kids coming out of art school talk lustfully about Lawrimore Project. The most uniformly exciting bloc of young artists in the city is represented by Lawrimore Project: Anne Mathern, Tivon Rice, Isaac Layman, and Lee. Cris Bruch, the long-unsung local hero, is represented by Lawrimore Project. Four of the five visual artists who’ve won Stranger Genius Awards—Susan Robb, SuttonBeresCuller, Alex Schweder, and Lead Pencil Studio—are represented by Lawrimore Project, even though The Stranger has been through three visual art editors in that time…
“I think that, in the end, Scott will have developed one of only two art spaces here in Seattle that were distinct from what everybody else did,” Greg Kucera said of his former protégé the other day.
Lawrimore may be the first dealer in Seattle for whom winning means playing. He’s cashing in on the gamesmanship that’s been a part of art since Marcel Duchamp (his hero) declared a urinal a work of art in 1917…
And—well, you really should just go read the whole thing.
As stated below in Kelly's piece. 2nd row. 2nd dude.
I enjoyed Jen's article and found it interesting when she talked about the fact that it's impressive that Lawrimore can attract 150 people to an opening of a show there, which would be impressive for a museum. (Jen's words, not mine).
I curate art shows for QArts at the Seattle LGBT Center. In both April and October, when we had large group shows, (The Virgin Show and Vampire Pixies in Uranus, respectively) we were able to lure in 100 patrons for each show,(the smaller shows range from 35 to 65).
I'm both a little bitter that no one pays much attention to us, primarily because we can't afford paid advertising which means most media outlets ignore you, AND a little pleased with myself that a no name arts group is able to pull in some apparently decent numbers.
Now, if I could just lure in some people with MONEY who can afford to buy some of the art.
yah 150 people at an opening is not really a lot. jen is all over lawrimore's ass and anyone he thinks is mildly interesting.
I thought the piece captured Lawrimore's game nicely. Good work, Ms. Graves!
is it me or does the whole Jen Graves/Susie Lee thing seem really incestuous?
She has her tongue up any female artists ass in this city...
It's not just Susie Lee, though she is an amazing artist. It's Scott, ever since the space opened Jen has been all up on him. Seriously, get a room will ya?
What other gallery has done anything even half as bold or exciting as Lawrimore in the past year?
Scott, Susie, Cris Bruch, etc. get rave reviews from Jen and other art critics because of their output. Go down there and see it for yourself.
@8 - There are a lot of galleries in Seattle that put on shows that are at least as bold and interesting (if not more) than the exhibits at Lawrimore, including Punch, SOIL, Platform, 4Culture, to name a few. Lawrimore has the advantage of getting a lot of attention in the local press which just makes it seem as if more is going on there.
The Virgin Show and Vampire Pixies in Uranus--wow those sound really cool! Do they include some contemplative insight into the human condition or advance critical discourse in arenas of art history, objects, or economies? If so, i am certain that patrons will contribute, right?
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