News WA State Rep. Richard Curtis (R-La Center): XXX-Gay
posted by October 30 at 14:42 PM
onDetails are coming out—har—about just where and how GOP state Rep. Richard “Dick” Curtis was “trying to help someone out”—and we’re getting our first look at the alleged male escort that is alleged to have attempted to blackmail Curtis. But it sounds more like a dispute over how much money Curtis owed him for favors granted. The Spokesman Review is all over it:
A state legislator who yesterday insisted he was “not gay” was being blackmailed by a young man he had engaged in “sexual activities” with after the two met at a Spokane Valley adult bookstore last week, court documents filed today allege.State Rep. Richard Curtis, a Republican from the Vancouver, Wash., area, met Cody Castagna at Hollywood Erotic Boutique on East Sprague Avenue at 12:45 a.m. Friday before the two went to Curtis’ room at the Davenport Tower in downtown Spokane, the documents say. Castagna told investigators Curtis agreed to pay him $1,000 for sex, the documents allege.
No criminal charges have been filed in the case. Castagna, 26, has been questioned by police but not arrested.
The police detective’s version of events is in stark contrast to the legislator’s only public comment. Curtis told the Vancouver Columbian yesterday that he is not gay and did not engage in sex with the man while he was in Spokane last week attending Republican strategy sessions.
Curtis and Castagna “engaged in mutual sexual activities” at the hotel after the state lawmaker—who has opposed most gay rights legislation—rented two XXX-rated gay videos, according to allegations in a search warrant affidavit filed by Spokane Police Detective Mark Burbridge.
After the sexual encounter in the Spokane hotel room, the court documents say Castagna left with Curtis’ wallet before contacting him by phone, demanding $1,000, the affidavit says. The state lawmaker said he only had $200 and put that in an envelope for Castagna to pick up at the front desk of the Davenport Tower, the affidavit says. After picking up that money, Castagna re-contacted Curtis and demanded the additional $800.
By that point, Curtis had contacted a Washington State Patrol sergeant in Vancouver, apparently seeking help…. “Castagna threatened to publicly expose Curtis’ gay lifestyle to his wife,” if he wasn’t paid the additional sum,” the court documents allege.
It’s hard to follow just what’s alleged and what’s fact. The Spokesman Review’s report makes it seem as if Curtis admitted to engaging in sexual activities with Castagna. Exactly how much money Curtis owed Castagna for those activities amounts to a he said/he said conflict, of course, but it seems pretty clear that 1. Castagna isn’t a very professional escort (and he looked like such a nice young man!), and 2. Curtis outed himself when he went to the police.
As for what Curtis told the Vancouver Columbian, well, perhaps Curtis didn’t do anything with Castagna that a closeted GOP state rep would define as sex. As we learned to the Bill and Monica scandal, there are a lot of people out there that define sex as “vaginal intercourse” and I’m pretty sure that Curtis and Castagna didn’t do any of that.
But one question is definitively answered: Spokane’s male escorts, looks-wise, ain’t half bad—if you like ‘em slightly thuggy, tank-topped, and overly-gelled.
UPDATE: Good As You says Richard Curtis’ boytoy Cody Castagna has done porn—maybe that’s why he values his ass so highly?—but GAY didn’t include a link. Here’s a link.
UPDATE 2: Anti-gay Washington state representative Richard Curtis is a lying cocksucker.
Detective Mark Burbridge of the Spokane Police Department, in a signed affidavit, concluded that Curtis and Castagna engaged in mutual sexual activities, after which Curtis fell asleep. Burbridge’s affadavit is based on interviews with both men.The affidavit alleges Castagna left the hotel room with Curtis’ wallet. He later called the state lawmaker and offered to return it in exchange for money, Burbridge said in his affidavit….
Burbridge’s court filing offers a far different account from the brief interview that Curtis gave to Columbian Editor Lou Brancaccio Monday afternoon. During that phone interview, Curtis emphatically said he is not gay and has not had sex with a man. He said he was only “trying to help someone out.”
“Richard Curtis was adamant he never agreed to give Cody Castagna any money for sex, especially $1,000,” the court filing says.
The affidavits were filed to obtain two search warrants. One is for videotape of public areas at the Hollywood Erotic Boutique, shot from midnight to 6 a.m. Friday. The other is for room registry information for Curtis at the Davenport, along with surveillance video, photographs from the video, room purchases and room access information. The hotel has a computer system which records when individual room doors are opened.
Burbridge’s affidavit said he met with a clerk at the adult video store who identified Curtis as a customer who had been in the store and met a young white male.
And Cody Castagna seems like a nasty piece of work. Good As You dug up a ten year-old seeking-sugar-daddy personal ad taken out by Castagna. And the Vancouver Columbian reports that…
A search for Castagna in court records turned up a number of cases in Spokane and King County on a variety of charges. Most cases were in juvenile court and involved charges of assault, theft, burglary and malicious mischief.In adult court, court records showed that Castagna pleaded guilty in 2001 to a forgery charge and was sentenced to two months in jail and 12 months in community custody.
Closeted gay GOP elected official with an anti-gay voting record and—and I’m putting this charitably—a deeply troubled gay kid with a rap sheet—these two were made for each other.
UPDATE 3: Oh. My. God. Just when you thought things couldn’t get weirder or worse for Richard Curtis, yet more details emerge.
Cross-dressing state lawmaker blackmailed following late night trystState Representative Richard Curtis says he’s not gay, but police reports and court records indicate the Republican lawmaker from southwestern Washington dressed up in women’s lingerie and met a Medical Lake man in a local erotic video store which led to consensual sex at a downtown hotel and a threat to expose Curtis’ activities publicly….
Curtis, according to a search warrant unsealed Tuesday, went to the Hollywood Erotic Boutique on East Sprague on October 26th at approximately 12:45 a.m. The store clerk, who had talked with Curtis, referred to him as “The Cross-Dresser” and said that during their conversations he confirmed he was gay and was married with children at home.
During his visit to the video store Curtis was observed wearing women’s lingerie while receiving oral sex from an unidentified man in one of the movie viewing booths inside the store.
Ack! Ack! Ack! I don’t even know how to respond to this anymore! My head is EXPLODING. And there’s MORE:
Afterward he met Cody Castagna, and they talked about getting together at Curtis’ hotel room to have sex. Curtis left Castagna his cellphone number and went to Northern Quest Casino and receiving a call from him around 3 a.m., and planned to get together at the hotel a short while later.The two met at the Davenport Tower around 3:34 a.m. and police reports confirm Curtis and Castagna had anal intercourse after which Curtis fell asleep. Castagna, according to court records, then allegedly took Curtis’ wallet out of his jacket pocket and left the room. Around 7 a.m. he called Curtis and told him he knew he was a member of the Washington State House of Representatives and was married, that he had taken pictures of Curtis with a camera on his cellphone and he offered to return the wallet in exchange for $1,000. In police reports it is claimed that Curtis offered Castagna that sum of money in exchange for having unprotected anal intercourse.
Curtis, during an interview with a Spokane detective, claimed that he gave Castagna $100 for “gas money” and insisted that the money was not payment for sex. During that phone conversation he claimed he only had $200 and left the money in an envelope at the front desk at the Davenport Tower for Castagna in exchange for the return of his wallet.
The attempt to get his wallet back proved unsuccessful as Castagna called Curtis back later on the 26th and demanded the remaining $800 from him. Unbeknownst to Castagna at the time Curtis had already contacted Spokane police and a detective was present with Curtis when Castagna called again.
When he contacted police, Curtis told detectives he wanted to keep the incident quiet and didn’t want to press charges against Castagna and that all he wanted was his wallet back.
During the call Castagna not only demanded $800 for the return of Curtis’ wallet but also said the money would buy his silence, implying that without the money he would expose Curtis’ gay lifestyle to his wife. Curtis admitted to police that if details of the incident became public he would have to tell his wife and would need to hire a divorce attorney.
Goldy at HorsesAss nails the heart of this tragedy in a response to a commenter on his site:
People like Curtis are forced to live in the closet because of people like Curtis.
Well fucking said, Goldy.
And to all the headline writers out there describing this as a “gay sex” scandal… uh… I’ve had a lot of gay sex over the years, guys, but never anything like this. I mean, if that was gay sex I’d never be able to get up.
UPDATE 4: But wait—there’s more. Yes, MORE!
As if the details about anti-gay Washington State Rep. Richard (R-La Center) and his tryst with a male escort in Spokane, Washington, weren’t already sordid enough, I spent the last hour wading through the 15 page police report. Holy crap! Curtis, hoping to keep this whole thing quiet, called the police himself. And when the police asked him what happened, Curtis told them everything.
Curtis stated both he and the male walked into the lobby together. He told the male gain that he would give the male $100 to help him out but he was not paying him to have sex. Curtis and the male went up to Curtis’ room, which was 968. Once in the room Curtis gave the male $100…. Curtis and the male ultimately had anal intercourse on the bed in Curtis’ hotel room. The male performed intercourse on Curtis and the male’s semen and/or DNA would be on the inside of the condom while Curtis’ DNA would be on the exterior. Curtis said he was the person who received the anal sex.
Then, according to Curtis, he and Castagna fell asleep. And when Curtis wakes up Castagna is gone—and so is Curtis’ wallet. Castagna soon calls and tells Curtis that he knows who he is and wants $1,000. He also informs Curtis that he took “explicit photos” of Curtis while he was asleep.
While talking to the police Curtis expresses, again and again, a burning desire to keep all of this out of the press. (Ahem.) The police tell Curtis that, even if he doesn’t want to press charges, they have to collect evidence—but before they can set about doing that Castagna calls again. Suddenly it’s all very cloak and dagger: Castagna demands that Curtis drop off the money “in the last flower pot on the west side of Washington St. Bridge.” The police tell Curtis to stall Castagna long enough for them to set up a sting operation on the bridge. Curtis makes the drop. A suspect is seized. The police take Curtis back to the hotel—to room 968 at the Davenport (which should have a plaque on the door!)—and set about gathering evidence.
And what evidence!
I asked Curtis what physical evidence would be in the hotel room which would link the suspect to the hotel room. Curtis pointed out a Propel fitness water bottle in the garbage, a condom wrapper in the garbage, and a used condom in the garbage. I photographed the room and items prior to their collection. I also colleted the sheets and pillow cases from the bed.While I was collecting evidence I saw a plastic sack which contained a light grey length of nylon rope, a plastic doctor’s stethoscope, and other items I could not immediately identify. Curtis told me they had nothing to do with the sex act and that the suspect had not handled them. Curtis said he did not want to show me those items in the sack.
Lingerie, condoms, rope, stethoscopes—Rep. Curtis is a very kinky girl!
Meanwhile back at the station house the police are grilling their suspect—but it isn’t Castagna. It’s Castagna’s bag man—but the accomplice cracks under the pressure, stating that “he did not want to go down for [Castagna].” Soon the police pick up Joey “Cody” Castagna. And Castagna’s version of what went down in that hotel room differs from Curtis’ version:
[Castagna] state [Curtis] was a “freak.” [Castagna] said that [Curtis] dressed in women’s lingerie during sex. [Castagna] said he used a condom and performed anal intercourse on [Curtis]…. After the sex act was completed [Curtis] told [Castagna] he wanted to perform “bareback sex” on [Castagna because Curtis] did not like the feel of condoms. [Castagna] told [Curtis] that he did not do that, that he didn’t know [Curtis], and that “bareback sex” was unsafe sex and was dangerous. [Curtis] asked [Castagna] “what would it take for you to do it.”
Castagna agrees to let Curtis fuck him bareback for $1000. Curtis refuses to pay up, falls asleep, Castagna take a few pictures, leaves with Curtis’ wallet, and the rest is history.
[Castagna] continually cried and said that he believed [Curtis] tricked him and never intended to pay him the thousand dollars for unprotected sex.
One final detail: After telling the police absolutely everything, Curtis decides to stop cooperating. Curtis suddenly claims that Castagna must have drugged him and states that he “was so out of it he really didn’t know what happened.” (Yes, that old excuse.) Curtis then tells investigators that, on the advice of his attorney, he can’t tell them what he was doing in Spokane. “I asked Curtis who his attorney was and he stated he could not find the business card and he could not recall his attorney’s name.”
Holy crap. My God. Jesus, Mary and Joseph. What. A. Mess.
Says Pam at PamsHouseBlend:
I’m living a relatively plain jane lesbian existence simply asking for my civil rights while closet cases like Curtis get all sorts of kinks on while railing against openly LGBT citizens. It makes me sick.
Double vomit. I'd rather sleep with HIV.
This just keeps getting better and better!
Is that the due from Sugar Ray?
Oh that hair, and those diamond earrings and that sexy backwards visor. Hot damn.
Never trust anybody who wears an upside-down visor!
Well, otherwise the visor gets in the way ...
Have we found his on-line marketing materials yet?
He certainly doesn't look like a $1000.00 hooker.
Um, if I were a gay man, I'd want something cuter for my $1000. I swear, these closeted republicans aren't just gay, they have horrible taste.
Although, I have to admit the guy who came out with the Craig story actually was pretty cute.
I know Cody quite well.
LMAO! Another fuckin' Republican closet case!
When is the media event where he and his wife announce "I'm not GAY. I never have been GAY."?
This is just delicious.
Gay Gay Gay Gay Gay!
Props to Mr. Castanga. I don't give a shit about his "escort ethics" if he outs another Republican hypocrite.
Where's my American Flag lapel pin?
I doubt he has any online material. I doubt he has a computer. I doubt he has a home. He isn't a $1000 a night escort, he's a hustler who wouldn't bat an eye at blackmailing some poor idiot who had sex with him. He's done some low-budget porn too. I've known him since he was 17 and he is and always has been a mess.
I hope they used condoms or Rep. Curtis is going to have a lot more to worry about than his reputation.
@1, Mr Poe, with that guy you probably are sleeping with HIV and a few other surprises.
I hated living in Spokane, man I hated it and Dempseys SUX!!
Ah, Spokane's male escorts are vindicated.
If he was a $1000 a night escort, he won't be much longer; at least in this town.
Ew. He looks like a post-success Vanilla Ice.
Did you see Cody's MySpace page? (That's where the Spokesman-Review's photo comes from.) The URL is On it, Cody describes himself as a "24yo Italian guy seek[ing] 'the perfect Cuddle Buddy.'" Ooooh! I just want to pinch his cheeks!
Sweet, there are provable facts that could come come about if there is a trial (or not)
-video store has records of the videos (and titles!) he rented, possibly confirming that he is a liar
-surveillance of the coming and going to hotel room
I'm beginning to think that if all the closet cases in Olympia were to come out of the closet, we would have civil marriage equality by now. Gheezuz how many more Right Wing cowards are gunna get caught with their oh so straight hand in some dudes pants?
Having known a lot of escorts, I can pretty much say that the "No really, I'll pay you the rest!" thing happens a LOT. Especially since they are wary about asking up front due to cops.
I'm guessing it wouldn't have been an issue beyond some minor extortion threats. The guy probably would have moved on to party with his next john if his republicunt client hadn't freaked.
Here's more...
In the article it talks about a 2001 forgery incident. That was the last time I saw him. He had hooked up with some guy and stole his checkbook and went on a spending spree and tried to claim that the guy gave it to him and told him to buy whatever he wanted.
Awww man!! The link doesn't work anymore!
Why didn't the closet case just tell the cops, "this gay hooker stole my wallet and is making up an outrageous lie about me being gay! Damn those homos!"
Not only are all Republicans in the closet, they're not even good at it.
Fucking sweet
This closet-case anti-gay is srsly fux0red
"Yummy yummy I'll put cum in your tummy"
"yummy yummy I'll put cum in your tummy"??? WTF sort of stuff is that to put in your escort ad???? He maybe 24 but he sounds like he is 12. Uh oh, that could open up more worms for the Rep......
Try this...
It's kinda priceless.
@15, 23,24,25
This profile is set to private. This user must add you as a friend to see his/her profile.
Yeah, that's a $40 hustler if I ever saw one. Moustache guy must have been really hard up.
$40?! For that?! Larry Craig stuffing a $20 in his pocket would have been obscene. Dude looks like corner trash on the 3rd floor of R Place. Last resort shit.
Right. But even Cody's non-friends can see that he's looking for a cuddle buddy and that his mood is "optimistic."
What is that, that, that THING on his head?
Where the fuck did I go?
Cody used to live in Seattle!
Way To Go Cody!
@20: remove the period from the end of the URL, and try reloading the page a few times. Even though it's set to private, the idiocy seeps through the "private" setting. I love that his mood is "optimistic", as of today. That's even better than the link I saw earlier today to that guy who got caught nailing a corpse-- his MySpace mood was "excited", but he hadn't logged on in a few days.
@30: It's the international sign for douchebaggery.
I forgot to point out that while his profile age is 26, he's advertising himself via his headline as 24. It's called "getting your story straight", and I'd suggest trying it.
cody's myspace, unlocked via Google cahce:
Two. Fucking. Losers.
Sentence: Death. Period.
Ooh! The full profile! Yay!
But now that I'm looking at know, I really don't know where to begin.
Let's start with this: "I just like real people, like my self. so to save our selfs some time if you are Fake, stuck on your self, or even just a tired drama starting queen STOP HERE..."
Yes, STOP HERE, drama-starting queen with the glittering giraffe on his MySpace page. STOP HERE.
PS: Apparently Cody's "kink" is "dominance." Any bets on whether or not "Dick" Curtis got his ass pounded by this glittery thug?
Well look at these comments from his friends Myspace page:
FUCK I WOULD LOVE TO MEET YOU IN SAN FRAN. Shit we would throw that town through the ringer =)..
One prolem, i have court on 24th of this month and could end up doing like 6 months so on friday i will let you know.. Wish me luck.. Oh and just in case whats your address??
I'm jealous, wish i could go but i am still dealing with all "legal" shit and to top it all off in the last 3 weeks i have hit a huge deer going 65mph, (yup that bitch is dead) then not even a week later i get pulled over and arrested for a DUI, but thank god i blew .078 and the leagal limit is .08....
This just keeps getting better. Next up, Mike Jones claims to have had sex with him.
I am having a really hard time keeping track of all these old republican butt-fuckers. They all look the same to me. Can you put together some sort of quick reference guide?
Well, if they're male, they're probably closeted gays.
If they're women ... they're closeted fag hags.
I'm sorry--I'm reeling over the death of Robert Goulet, it's a really bad day over here--but what's the deal with the upside-down visor? Is this the way you kids in Washington tell one another you're the bottom, or what?
Jesus Fucking Christ!!!! This is the gift that keeps on giving!
Jessica @34, he probably filled that profile stuff out a couple years ago, when he was 24. (Sorry if I'm not the first to point this out.)
Also, this @33 cracked me up: "@30: It's the international sign for douchebaggery." :D
OK. This is my theory and I'm sticking to it: The very fact that this would be a really good time for the closeted R's to lay low for a while is why they can't resist pushing their luck.
The more scandals the GOP has, the worse it would be for them to have yet another scandal. The worse it would be, the greater the risk. The greater the risk, the more pleasure they take in tempting fate.
Not only are the Republican closet cases going to keep hooking up every chance they get, they are going to do it even more often, in even more public places, with even more unreliable skanks, and they are going to come from higher and higher levels of government.
It's going to be a kind of chain reaction of self destruction. Until one day they wake up and realize they don't have to live like this.
Oh dear, what a sad situation. I think the GOP Representative is very handsome. Too bad he had to resort to things like our friend from Spokane. But that's the closet for you. Sad for him, sad for his wife, sad for his kids.
I must admit that there was a time when I liked the straight married guys, so I haunted hotel bars - and was quite successful.
I hasten to add that I always insisted on safe sex, and had a charming little speech about how neither of us knew where the other had been. Most of the time that worked like a charm.
Needless to say, I never did anything as vulgar as take anyone's wallet after they fell asleep, although I had plenty of opportunity to do so. I usually Just slunk out, after making sure the poor thing had a blanket over him.
Ah, the memories....
@40... we could make some sort of playing card deck, like they did in Iraq, of all the Republican closet cases. And stats on their kinks, how they were outed, etc...
Another Republican closeted gay pervert!
Sen. Larry Craig (R-Pervert) revisited.
Spokane is the closted gay Republican capitol of the world. The late mayor of spokane Jim West (R-closeted gay pedophile) was the ambassador.
I'd do him.
This is just the best fucking story ever.
I fully expect to see this as a Lifetime movie of the week starring Nathan Lane as the Repuke
and Jodie Foster as the male hooker.
Jack Jett
Now I really want to go to Olympia in the Spring to see our *5* gay male legislators.
The big questions and issues:
1. Despite the mountains of video and audio evidence along with the other electronic records, how much of it will 'disappear'.
2. Will the MSM take this story and run with it. Will it have even a limp, much less legs.
3. No mention of Curtis's love of Jesus. If he doesn't love Jesus enough he'll have a difficult time. Everyone knows that with Jesus you can move 'mountains of evidence into the trash can'.
4. I demand the transcript of the interview with his wife. I want to read every line she says about this. She is complicit with his double life. She is also part of the problem.
5. I demand statements from his constituents. Especially the ones who depict Jesus with a gun. Especially those people.
6. Where is Mike Rogers? Why doesn't he go on CNN and discuss this issue with journalists. Go. Now Mike. Talk.
How transgressively queer -- both the original actors and those reveling in its retelling. Queer Theorists must feel vindicated.
Of course, this kind of kink goes on nightly in sex clubs in the major cities. For $40 and an airline ticket, the homophobe politician could have done better in any of the clubs.
Apparently some Democrats have forgotten Barney Frank and Fr. McGreevey had similar origins. Republicans do not have a monopoly on kink (see, S.F. Mayor Gavin Newsom or his Twisted Sisters for your kink license today).
It's enough for this gay atheist to thank gawd he ain't queer, ain't a Democrat, ain't a Republican, and is a just an ordinary kind of homophile who enjoys ordinary homoeroticism with another homophile Beloved.
What a queer trick for a treat the low-rung uncover.
Yes interesting saga, even to the jaded, and to some degree it is karma
But, there is historic and rampant homophobia everywhere in all these tales and that is very sad
Fucking strange to be ranting in alliance with the far right religious fanatics, that is bothersome, and that tells me Queers need to sort this stuff a bit better
We all know, except to the sexually constipated among us that the Curtis game is repeated thousands of times every night everywhere. Guy gets to bigger city, rents room, cruises for a pickup - and so forth.
So old news, like an all time easy to get laid format of sorts. Of course to those who have never really cruised the pick up points I guess it is sensational ... ie. seemingly even "I never do that" Dan.
It would be nice to see this guy untangle from his closet, come out and change his politics. Join the Bears in the Pride float contest.
I fear he will kill himself instead.
Dan, there's nothing there that says he's a lying cocksucker. He's a lying kinky bottom, but so far all we can infer is that he receives blowjobs from men and pays $$ to take it up the ass.
is it bad that i kind of think the stached daddy is hot and i'd totally do him?
DADDY needs you - I'd say. Get him a good haircut and shed a few pounds - nice eyes, and killer lip hairs.
Mark @ 53: The national media (outside of the blogosphere) won't touch this because he's a Republican. Remember how they recloseted David Dreier a couple of years ago, when he was outed by his boy-toy on the public tab at the same time that Gov. McGreevey got nailed for same in NJ? McGreevey lost his job and career, but Dreier's still in Congress, though the brief scandal did cost him his shot at being Tom DeLay's heir apparent.
Delicious. It keeps getting better all the time. I adore when Republicans are demonstrated to be lying hypocritical sacks of shit - especially when they're caught with vulgar little tramps such as this particular Spokanistan Backstreet Boy.
I really, really want to know what else was in Curtis's bag. A STETHOSCOPE? Presumably there are other games he likes to play that Castagna just wasn't right for.
Look at that flavor-saver on his lip. He looks like he could be in the Village People.
Jee---zus! Are there ANY Straight Republicans left???
If this Cody Castagna character had played his cards right, he could've landed a cushy job writing for Right Wing News like former gay porn star/male prostitute Matt Sanchez (aka Rod Majors) ...
Who knows? He might've even hit the big time like Jeff Gannon!
Let's be real - if you looked like the guy on the left, it's not too hard to understand how you could pay the guy on the right for sex.
You know, Cody's story about the perv offering him $1,000 for sex struck me as total crap, because that is way too much for video-store hustler to be pulling down. But the added details about asking for $1,000 to go bareback makes it totally believable. I think I believe this kid completely.
Good God can't the police and courts find something better to do with our tax dollars. Their was a incident in Milford ma. where a police woman entrapped a young husband who she claimed solicited her for sex. She destroyed his life. I wonder if she is proud of that. Oh well maybe she is a Republican.
The new GOP slogan should read: "I am NOT gay!!!". Someone needs to make a bumper sticker.
90% of Republicans are idiots.
Man, these comments alone are making for an exciting evening. Love the gumshoe detectives - thanks for the info! :)
Many good points were made about this situation; however, I think, after hearing about Cody, he's a troubled kid with few goals. I noticed on his MySpace that he is well travelled (I assume in more ways than one), but I believe what he has to say. The key to this is the fact that Curtis stated that they would find the DNA for Cody inside the condom and that they would find his DNA outside (i.e. Curtis got it up the butt). When approached for butt sex with non-condom use, Cody initially said no and later relented when offered $1000 (guess everyone has their price to ignore the possibilities for STDs).
I think Curtis should have paid the boy.
As for the hypocritical, Curtis' votes didn't affect him. He's married with children (explaining the sex of the spouse isn't necessary). Curtis gets all of the IRS benefits, and, until now, isn't affected by someone making the right decisions for him in the event he goes into the hospital (although now, I hope he doesn't come down with a terminal illness that his wife has to decide life or death).
Curtis voted what worked for him and his constituency. I most certainly don't agree with his votes, but I can understand why he voted the way he did.
Dave@64: After reading Matt Sanchez's article, I was appalled. How could someone in gay porn even ATTEMPT to speak to me about morals. I'll jerk off to porn, but I'll be damned if one of the models is going to instruct me on morality.
saylor@68: I TOTALLY agree. I posted the same on a bulletin on MySpace.
Richard not Dick,
For Matt Sanchez, the porn is the least of it. A poster at John Cole's blog discovered that Sanchez likes to post snuff videos on the internet in his spare time.
He is one sick, sorry S.O.B. Keep in mind Sanchez, an ex-gay "Christian" conservative, is currently a reporter embedded with the military in Iraq. And he's a regular contributor to "repectable" conservative publications like The Weekly Standard and The National Review. Dysfunctional head cases the barebacking, Brokeback cross-dresser Rep Curtis and the sadistic con artist like Matt Sanchez have become mainstream in the Republican party.
"I’m living a relatively plain jane lesbian existence simply asking for my civil rights while closet cases like Curtis get all sorts of kinks on while railing against openly LGBT citizens. It makes me sick.
Me too. I'm an openly gay guy who stays home on Saturdays with a bottle of diet coke, a jar of salad olives. and a rerun of Family Guy. Why do closeted gay republicans get more sex then me? Wow, repugs have all the hot sex.
"I’m living a relatively plain jane lesbian existence simply asking for my civil rights while closet cases like Curtis get all sorts of kinks on while railing against openly LGBT citizens. It makes me sick.
Me too. I'm an openly gay guy who stays home on Saturdays with a bottle of diet coke, a jar of salad olives. and a rerun of Family Guy. Why do closeted gay republicans get more sex then me? Wow, repugs have all the hot sex.
"I’m living a relatively plain jane lesbian existence simply asking for my civil rights while closet cases like Curtis get all sorts of kinks on while railing against openly LGBT citizens. It makes me sick.
Me too. I'm an openly gay guy who stays home on Saturdays with a bottle of diet coke, a jar of salad olives. and a rerun of Family Guy. Why do closeted gay republicans get more sex then me? Wow, repugs have all the hot sex.
Well well well.....another prevert! Actually, I would do it with the rep. if would get down on all fours and wait for me to take my joy ride!
tee hee hee, tee hee hee....the stuff about the undies is cute....go girl!
Maybe he just has a wide stance and then something happened?
Hmmmmmmmm....I'll have to reflect on this. I think that I've seen him in SF hanging out? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm...
I think there was a trick.
Ms. Curtis, If Dante was writing his Inferno today, he would place you in the low rent housing in hell. Fuck you and all your lying,hypocritical right-wing Republican closeted 'mos. Assholes like you are hurting and denying people equality in the States. Bottom line:They pay taxes like all the white-anglo saxon protestant staight males!
I admid that he's a lying hypocrite as well, and his is probably in shambles now because of people like himself.
But I have to admit....
Geee-zus! Repres. Curtis is ONE-HOT-MAN. I'd hang with the guy anytime, and he wouldn't have to pay me either. (On the condition that no lengerie was involved, though. I freak out when I'm too close to that stuff walking through a department store.)
Mr. Curtis, drop the dipillatory 'Codys' and get yourself a real man!
Correction to above post--should read "his *life* is probably in shambles..."
I think some of you are missing the bigger picture. You don't get into congress unless you are a sick unit. (I am not refering to homosexuality, rather these mentally screwed up congressmen who engage in self hating and acts which they themselves view as perversion) The reason being is that you are much easier to control (vote this way or else) if you have skeletons in your closet.
Thanks for the amusing write-up which I'm linking my blog entry to!
Another Anti-Gay Republican Finds Real "Family" Value in Bareback Mounting
just more proof that republican aparatchiks
need to be on a neighberhood watch list
to see if you have any living around the
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