Now former Washington state Rep. Richard Curtis hasn’t made a public statement since telling the Columbian that he was not gay and never had gay sex. When Curtis finally makes a public statement, what will Richard Curtis say?
More likely "There will be advice, confrontation and rebuke from "godly men" appointed to oversee the spiritual "restoration" of the Rev. Ted Haggard -- I mean Richard Curtis."
I'm even more interested in what Mrs. Curtis has to say. I'll bet there's a real interesting conversation going on at their house right now: "What's in this bag? Four enema bags? Dick, why do you need FOUR? I don't understand!"
"I'm sorry I've been such an asshole, and I'll try to convince my constituents and fellow Republicans to stop being such hateful, judgmental cats-ass-faced busybodies. More doggie-style, PLEASE!"
Posted by
Original Andrew |
October 31, 2007 3:17 PM
He's already said the first two, I'm betting he's going to admit to a "sex addiction" while not spelling out that it involves cruising for barebacking bottoms in gay porn shops while dressed in women's undies while out of town on business. But that's just a guess.
Just like Donnie McClurkin he'll claim he is fighting the feelings and just gave in, but now is repenting. It is the same old bullshit. That will reserve his right to demonize other gays who aren't fighting it and keep him in good graces with the fundy crowd who will embrace you as long as you 'say' you're fighting it (even if in reality you are one of the most disgusting, risky, freaky-sex pigs around).
GREAT KICK-OFF! On the night of 10/25/2007 you arrive in Spokane to announce your campaign launch.
You are joined by Rep. Curtis. Later that evening, he slips in to a sequined gown, cruises/solicits for gay sex and pays a 26yr old young man to anally penetrate him - or so he stipulates to in his police report.
Wow, you Republicans are really the BIG TENT PARTY
Paid for by Dino Rossi for Governor 2008
Posted by
johninseattle |
October 31, 2007 4:03 PM
You left out "I'm not gay, but my moustache is."
Remember, being bisexual means not being gay, at least if you're a member of the Gay Old Party.
I'm kinda hoping for, "How'd THAT happen?"
You forgot to mention counseling for his "illness". In 2-3 weeks, he will be cured. That one's always fun.
Tee-Vee reports Hon. Curtis has *resigned*.
More likely "There will be advice, confrontation and rebuke from "godly men" appointed to oversee the spiritual "restoration" of the Rev. Ted Haggard -- I mean Richard Curtis."
"In fact, this moustache isn't even real! (rip)"
@5, me: Ooops, they Slogged it below. That's what I get for reading downward. =/
either nothing -- i respectfully request privacy to deal with these issues with my family and friends.
i'm not gay, i just like to have sex with men.
I'm even more interested in what Mrs. Curtis has to say. I'll bet there's a real interesting conversation going on at their house right now: "What's in this bag? Four enema bags? Dick, why do you need FOUR? I don't understand!"
I have mustache problem and I'm going to rehab.
"I SINNED!" followed by a lot of sobbing and begging for forgiveness.
there's a certain logic to the "ladies underpants" defense that's really hard to argue against.
Damn alcohol, always making me gay!
"I'm sorry I've been such an asshole, and I'll try to convince my constituents and fellow Republicans to stop being such hateful, judgmental cats-ass-faced busybodies. More doggie-style, PLEASE!"
He's already said the first two, I'm betting he's going to admit to a "sex addiction" while not spelling out that it involves cruising for barebacking bottoms in gay porn shops while dressed in women's undies while out of town on business. But that's just a guess.
Just like Donnie McClurkin he'll claim he is fighting the feelings and just gave in, but now is repenting. It is the same old bullshit. That will reserve his right to demonize other gays who aren't fighting it and keep him in good graces with the fundy crowd who will embrace you as long as you 'say' you're fighting it (even if in reality you are one of the most disgusting, risky, freaky-sex pigs around).
Welcome to
- Dino
GREAT KICK-OFF! On the night of 10/25/2007 you arrive in Spokane to announce your campaign launch.
You are joined by Rep. Curtis. Later that evening, he slips in to a sequined gown, cruises/solicits for gay sex and pays a 26yr old young man to anally penetrate him - or so he stipulates to in his police report.
Wow, you Republicans are really the BIG TENT PARTY
Paid for by Dino Rossi for Governor 2008
"It's not gay if you dress up for Halloween"
Something that's gone on this long really needs a theme song.
Oh this is the scandal that doesn't end,
Yes it goes on and on my friends!
Some senators, started denyin' they were gettin' it in the rear,
but they continue screwing up cause they won't admit they're queer!
Oh, this is the scandal that doesn't end... ad nauseam
I hear Dino and Richard were part of a three way.
Awww... I wanted to see how many people thought (like I did) that just his dick was gay. I couln't get the whole result to display.
Just wondering - do you think Mr. Curtis was a fan of Concerned Women of America?
My bet says - YES. Bet he sent them money when he got their fund raising letters. Think on it.
Remember to vote.
Missing option: "I was molested by my clergyman between the ages of 13 and 15"
You left out:
I have apologized to my wife and asked God for forgiveness; therefore I am a free man now.
18% Bobbie7781 when I looked...
You left out "I'm not gay, but my moustache is." It's more like "I'm not gay, but my moustache was in 1979."
I wonder if he's now go back to his private sector job. He was a fireman and their known for their tolerance.... oh, wait, maybe not
What happened to the old warhorse immortalized in “Boys in the Band”? “Christ, was I drunk last night. I don’t remember a thing.”
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