Housekeeping Having a (Open to the Public) Halloween Party?
posted by October 11 at 13:33 PM
onMake sure to email all the details to, so we can get you in this year’s listings!
Anything goes. Having an open bar at your gallery? Having a band play in costume in your basement? Having a gothic scavenger hunt? We want to know. We will be making listings for the actual 31st and for Oct 26-27, since we know some of you have day jobs and want to party on the weekends.
Write something about Halloween in the subject line, just to make it easy for me.
Of course, we appreciate more of this:
than this:
...I want that first costume, soooo bad!
no kiddin'! Get a real costume!
Halloween is for scary or creative fun stuff not bitches beggin' for attention. The ho bags that HAVE to be sexy - save it for Valentine's Day at home with your partner.
1: I found it on the Make: Magazine site, so there's probably instructions on how to make it! Yay!
Sex BAD! DIRTY! Halloween needs to return to its GODLY roots and be cleansed of all the TEMPTATION that has stained the purity of our costumes. Cover up lest you offend THE LORD. The Stranger should have a burka-themed party this year.
"Having an open bar at your gallery?"
YOw, be careful of this one cuz the liquor board has been out in force since the Nightlife license debacle started and are doing more to "enforce" - especially on CH. Plus, it's a seasonal thing when school starts, you'll notice.
Hard to say whether they are looking at listings but they are definitely sending "stings" into the bars and at least one gallery (that I know of) to make a point - oh and issue large fines.
Just get a Banquet permit - any liquor branch.
Oooooh, I'm going as sexy godzilla!!!
I can dress like a skank the other 364 days of the year. Halloween is for kickass costumes!
I'm dressing up as Myles Standish.
I love kickass costumes, but there will always be a special place in my heart for skanks - even on Halloween.
All the skanky people, where do they all belong?
Let the frustrated closeted skanks have their play time to ... there are billions of people on the planet ... we are all allowed to have different opinions.
sheesh ... judgemental ass holes.
on That note, put that girl in that costume ....
"Just get a Banquet permit - any liquor branch."
ummmm, not technically legal if you list it publicly anywhere. And they are still sending stings in so unless that underage kid is on your "guest list" and accounted for on the banquet permit as "a guest who is underage", it's a waste of $10.
Wait a sec...wasn't that just last year when Amy Kate was extolling the virtues of the "sexy, sexy rag doll" outfit?
Guess there's some dissent amongst the female folk there about the whole "hot costume" thing.
how about this:
one of my bro's wore it at last years house party, and it killed. We love that its so edgy, 'nstuff, yeah!!
How about a creepy bicycle scavenger hunt? This is the 7th annual Messquerade! It's always a great time, rain or shine.
Oh noes!!! Visible leg! Keeerist, are we going to have to endure more of this whining about the existence of womens' costumes with hemlines above the ankle for the next two weeks? Maybe I'll get a female pit bull, dress it up in a maid's outfit, and ride it around on a fixie to nab the Stranger bogeyman hat trick. Besides, what person of creativity and wit buys a costume off the shelf anyway?
I love Halloween because of slutty costumes and giant lizard monsters with planes. I just can't understand why women cant be sluts for a day before going back to ugly jeans, and frumpy sweaters.
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