Nightlife It’s in the News-Paper
posted by September 5 at 12:35 PM
onThe intrepid souls at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer discover the existence of a local speakeasy—pardon, “speak-easy”—attempt to gain admittance (“my reporter self was intrigued”!), and fail. Some people got in—a year ago to the day. Speak-easy! So quaint. What the fuck dictionary are they using down there?
[UPDATE: Nota bene: The gaming at the speak-easy ceased a while back, and the speak-easy—which is indeed a private club—has moved.]
well chaps, you see this joint is just ducky, i say, you know not too many lounge lizard types, see, i'm really keen on mixers like this, jazz babies getting all dolled up, and only a few duds in the lot. and that aint no baloney mister.
Boo! Hiss! Seattle P-I, you should be ashamed of yourself for publishing this non-news story. The only purpose was to get the place closed down, nothing more.
They knocked on the door and nobody answered! That is real reporting. I won't subscribe to any newspaper that can't manage to get itself trashed at an illegal establishment.
So, is there a significant difference between the P-I's "reporting" about this and The Stranger's story about the Atlas space? I know it's a dead horse, but still...
Wasn't it the P-I that was going to out The Egg Room, too, before it closed?
@4- I think the significant difference is that though it pissed a lot of people off, the Stranger article about Atlas actually had information in it about Atlas and their background etc. The PI article said next to nothing. Oh, and the old Stranger article about the speakeasy actually had information about what was going on inside as well.
You're right about the dead horse thing though, thanks for taking a whack.
I would have to say that the difference between this and the atlas story is that the speakeasy/speak-easy did not have, say, myspace ads, posted flyers, or sandwhich boards right outside their freaking door.
they were closing in november anyway. just had to usher the move along a little sooner. still, it wasn't a very nice thing to do.
Those guys were fucking assholes anyways....I hope they go to jail for having a lame club and not making any money while doing it! Fuck em!
Give me a break! The difference between the PI article and the Stranger Atlas article is that the PI reporter never even got inside of the speakeasy and had nothing to report. Eric G came of age at the Old Fire House, the heart of the all ages scene and knows what he's writing about. Big difference.
It never occured to me that the PI's night life editor is 100 years old. Did you see the picture of that guy? Man I bet that guy has lived. cool.
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