that is some UGLY weed. i suspected, but wasn't sure until i saw the comments.
either way, that sounds like an ideal weekend. am i to assume then, mister hecht, that you have acquired a copy of the super awesome, super scary bioshock? you may have just invented heaven on earth with your combination...
That's a lot of green.
It's not easy being a stoned nerdy golfer
that is some UGLY weed. i suspected, but wasn't sure until i saw the comments.
either way, that sounds like an ideal weekend. am i to assume then, mister hecht, that you have acquired a copy of the super awesome, super scary bioshock? you may have just invented heaven on earth with your combination...
All you need is some bad communication at a *bud*hism seminar held in the Extra-Large chain monopoly, and you'll be King Dope.
Good luck getting BioShock to install - between it's DRM mallware and anti-piracy crap they put in I couldn't get it to load up no matter how I tried
I can still have faith that a port of BioShock will come out for my wii, right? ...right?
Perfection! FORE!
@6 - Runs like a champ on the 360, no install required. @7 - Keep dreaming.
Ohmygawd. I stayed up til 5 AM (ALMOST!!!) beating Bioshock. God that's a beautiful game.
yeah #6, you really need to get on the 360 bandwagon. it might seem totally AMAZING, but you never have to install squat!
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