News Think About Hyperlinks
posted by August 21 at 8:47 AM
onFirst of all, this blog has a great name.
Second, of all, it’s reporting some important news about a court challenge to the recording industry’s war on file sharing.
The lawyer arguing against the record industry says the clampdown on file sharing has broader implications for your cyber rights:
Beckerman also argues that if making available is found to be the same as distributing, it could have broader implications than just sharing files over a P2P network. “Under such an elastic interpretation and ill-defined standards, almost all participants in the Internet would become vulnerable to accusations that they ‘make available’ a variety of content, including copyrighted materials, to users,” he argues in the reply. Think about hyperlinks, which make available other content on the Internet. Providing a hyperlink could be construed as distribution under the RIAA’s definition, argues Beckerman.
Not only giving hyperlinks. It also covers instructions on how to create your own hyperlinks to coyprighted material. Or instructions on how to copy it.
Ultimately, they will need to ban music lessons.
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