Homo Haggard & Huberty: You Know Things Are Bad When…
posted by August 28 at 10:05 AM
on…you get kicked out of a halfway house before you move in and twice-convicted sex offenders are distancing themselves from you.
The Rev Ted Haggard’s recent pleas for cash and his plan to return to ministry work were doused by a pastor Monday, who said the former New Life Church leader would not work in a Phoenix halfway house.Compounding the former pastor’s troubles, the organization Haggard chose to handle tax-deductible contributions for his family is led by a twice-convicted sex offender.
That man, too, distanced himself from Haggard on Monday.
Schadenfreude is bad karma, schadenfreude is bad karma, but still...
mmmmmmmm, s c h a d e n f r e u d e . . . uullllggllllhhhh
This deserves to be made into a movie!
starring Patrick Swayze
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