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Friday, June 15, 2007

Reichert to Chair Giuliani’s Campaign in Washington State…

posted by on June 15 at 16:02 PM

… and The Democrats sent out this weird, mish-mash, attack press release. I’m all for attack dog politics, but this seems pretty slap-dash. For starters, Reichert wasn’t even in the Congress during the Clinton impeachment.


SEATTLE – Washington State Republican Dave Reichert announced today that he is endorsing the Presidential Campaign of former New York City Mayor and playboy Rudy Giuliani. Reichert will serve as Chairman of Giuliani’s campaign in Washington State, and will serve as national co-chairman of “Law Enforcement for Rudy.”

Giuliani has himself shown a blatant lack of regard for conviction or personal behavior.

“Rudy Giuliani was too busy with his mistress to pay attention to the real problems in New York City,” said Washington State Democratic Party Chair Dwight Pelz. “The hypocrisy of Republicans like Reichert promoting Giuliani is enormous. The GOP tried to impeach a President for his personal affairs, at the same time Rudy Giuliani was cheating on his wife.” [CBS News, 5/11/00]

Aside from thrice-married Rudy’s personal mishaps, his Mayoral record itself has come into question by those who worked the closest with him. As Mayor of New York City, Giuliani upset his city’s firefighters so much that, in a recent letter to the 260,000 members of the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), union officials urged that if locals are approached by the Giuliani campaign, “we hope you will say not just, ‘No,’ but, ‘Hell no’.” [Wall Street Journal, 3/8/07; Bloomberg, 3/9/07]

Moreover, the New York City Police Department recently took the time to honor a GOP Presidential Candidate…and it wasn’t Rudy Giuliani, it was John McCain. [NY Daily News 6/8/2007]

Meanwhile, Eastside Rep. Reichert said:

As someone who has been involved in law enforcement and homeland security issues for over 35 years, I know Rudy Giuliani will be a tough, determined, and principled leader. … He transformed a crime-ridden New York City into the safest large city in the country and has always shown courage in the face of challenges. He’ll be a true leader for our country.

I’d like to know what Mr. Law Enforcement Dave Reichert thinks of Giuliani’s flip flop on gun controla story first reported by moi.

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how is it that the republican's press release is so much better than the democrat's? how??? why???

Posted by infrequent | June 15, 2007 4:32 PM

Denial is a common trait of Red Bushies.

My guess is he's fine with it.

Posted by Will in Seattle | June 15, 2007 4:36 PM

Pelz's remarks (including the bit about the Clinton impeachment) were directed at Giuliani, not Reichert. Giuliani was in fact cheating on his wife during the impeachment. His wife found out she was getting a divorce from a Rudy press conference.

Posted by Fnarf | June 15, 2007 4:45 PM

Two phony macho blowhards who happened to hold office during a spectacular media event. Took all the credit, even though they didn't actually do anything to help. Even though their actions and policies before the event hindered actual work by on-the-street public safety workers. Supported blantantly corrupt appointees, then tried to dump the blame on their innocent successors for those creeps when they were caught.

A perfect pair! Giuliani-Reichert '08!

Posted by anna | June 15, 2007 4:46 PM

Fnarf @ 3,

Read it again Fnarf. Pelz's comment is directed a Reichert. He says: "The hypocrisy of Republicans like Reichert promoting Giuliani is enormous. The GOP tried to impeach a President for his personal affairs, at the same time Rudy Giuliani was cheating on his wife."

So, Reichert is supposedly a hypocrite for supporting someone who had an affair because the GOP went after Clinton. Again, Reichert wasn't part of that witch hunt. (Technically, anyway.) It's sloppy is all.

Posted by Josh Feit | June 15, 2007 5:17 PM

Actually, Fnarf, Rudy's cheated many times - but been caught thrice. Like all the other multiple offenders who call themselves GOP.

Posted by Will in Seattle | June 15, 2007 6:00 PM

Hey I am against Rudy but the Democratic Party press release is lame.

Rudy is doing well in polls against Democrats because he says (a) we are at war with terrorists and the Democrats don't have an answer and (b) I can lead because I fixed up NYC.

The Democratic Party press release has no substantive response. They have no no real position, just make personal attacks based on a pseudo-adoption of right wing christian family values -- being against "cheating" or divorce.

Huh??? The Party of FDR and JFK is against cheating ???
How does it help Democrats or our nation to go around criticizing candidates for cheating & getting divorced? Is the Democratic party now for limiting divorce because breaking your vows shows character flaws?
Totally stupid gutter BS, the press release builds no message, no program, no policy. It's why many people just hate politics. If you can't attack Rudy on the issues, and there is plenty of reason to do so, just shut up.

Posted by stonethrowersunite | June 15, 2007 6:18 PM

oyudnekx yeukoawxd ohjp rayonvq demri tbuqkgrv ipsmxbygh

Posted by uogqi teiuz | June 25, 2007 4:43 PM

oyudnekx yeukoawxd ohjp rayonvq demri tbuqkgrv ipsmxbygh

Posted by uogqi teiuz | June 25, 2007 4:48 PM

oyudnekx yeukoawxd ohjp rayonvq demri tbuqkgrv ipsmxbygh

Posted by uogqi teiuz | June 25, 2007 4:48 PM

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