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Big surprise. My mother was and still is a religious nut. She made me listen to Dr. Laura, The Bible Answer Man, and I had to watch retarded FONF movies all of the fucking time. I know almost every Amy Grant song by heart (also MWS, SCC, 4HIM, etc). ALL because she MADE me.

Look how I turned out. Now I'm gay, the youngest man I've slept with is still old enough to be my father, I hate religion with passion, and I have a 99% chance of laughing when I hear something horrible.

Go extreme Christianity. The only way to raise your children.

Posted by Mr. Poe | May 23, 2007 10:15 AM

I was also always shocked that she was Jewish. It really never made sense to me. I guess I was too young, I barely remember half of the shit she would say.

Sometimes I wonder if my mother actually believes in God. She would listen to any religious nut, regardless of the religion. I think it was just her way of 'making sure' I might turn out...godly?

Posted by Mr. Poe | May 23, 2007 10:17 AM

Here is the thing: If Deryk was the son of a so-called elitist liberal or degenerate Democrat (as FreeRepublic labels them), the very first thing they would have honed down to was the PEDOPHILIA.

Homosexual 'journalist' Matt Drudge, within minutes, would have had a flashing light and banner headline: SON OF DEM CANDIDATE IS DANGEROUS PEDOPHILE!!! EMERGENCY!!!!

This is how these pigs operate. It would be on all the talk shows today 24/7, all news outlets, AP, Reuters, etc, etc... Even Bill Bennett would be screaming about his and calling for worldwide protest. He had a small infant boy on his site being forced to give oral sex in a rape situation!!!!! GODDAMN I AM PISSED!!! WHERE IS THE WORTHLESS MEDIA????

Posted by Ron | May 23, 2007 10:31 AM

Here is the thing: If Deryk was the son of a so-called elitist liberal or degenerate Democrat (as FreeRepublic labels them), the very first thing they would have honed down to was the PEDOPHILIA.

Homosexual 'journalist' Matt Drudge, within minutes, would have had a flashing light and banner headline: SON OF DEM CANDIDATE IS DANGEROUS PEDOPHILE!!! EMERGENCY!!!!

This is how these pigs operate. It would be on all the talk shows today 24/7, all news outlets, AP, Reuters, etc, etc... Even Bill Bennett would be screaming about his and calling for worldwide protest. He had a small infant boy on his site being forced to give oral sex in a rape situation!!!!! GODDAMN I AM PISSED!!! WHERE IS THE WORTHLESS MEDIA????

Posted by Ron | May 23, 2007 10:32 AM

"Heathenistic?" What a fucking moron. The presence of that psycho in Iraq is yet another reason why we need to pull out now.

Posted by keshmeshi | May 23, 2007 10:35 AM

Apparently Mr. Poe and I are related. Except I was spared from Amy Grant, et al.

I blame my mom for my love of Southpark.

Posted by monkey | May 23, 2007 10:42 AM

Fucking Amy Grant.

Posted by Mr. Poe | May 23, 2007 10:47 AM

Fucking Amy Fucking Grant.

Posted by monkey | May 23, 2007 10:49 AM

That should be the name of a song.

Posted by Mr. Poe | May 23, 2007 11:01 AM

FYI - If any of you have actually listened to Dr. Laura recently, you would be surprised that she is very open to gay callers. I've heard about four or five over the past few months. She gives the same down-to-earth advice she does everyone else. She is not anti-gay --- maybe she was but she's not now. She is supportive of same sex relationships.

I agree with her on two main things: the chaos of divorce and remarriages brings upon kids, and the downside of daycare.

Posted by raindrop | May 23, 2007 11:30 AM

The first time I saw those pix of Dr Laura, I threw up in my mouth. Sure, it started a little bit, and I thought that would be that, but it kept coming. My cheeks swelled out and the throw up began escaping my pursed lips.

At some point, I could not contain the vomit, and it sprayed out like a bad sitcom spit take with bits of carrot and doritos. It was a little foamy, too.

Still, I'd rather have licked it up from the floor than have seen those photos again.

Posted by Durin | May 23, 2007 11:31 AM

You say, "The first time I saw those pix..." Durin, after such a violent reaction to the pics, why did you look at them again?

Posted by but? | May 23, 2007 12:02 PM
Posted by Sipping Windex | May 23, 2007 12:34 PM

I'm a masochist. What can I say?

Posted by Durin | May 23, 2007 12:54 PM

I remember back in the mid 90s when she was on KFI Los Angeles and a caller called in quite upset because she was so flat-chested that she was considering a boob job. I've only known one lady that flat-chested. Literally, there was no "chest."

Laura told her to basically get a life and deal with what God gave her. The lady started to cry.

I've hated that fake doctor ever since. Oh, by the way, "Doctor," God wants his peroxide back.

Posted by ucrsue | May 24, 2007 1:47 PM

Dr. Laura's personality is apparently as 2-dimensional as her chest.

Posted by Mr. Poe | May 24, 2007 2:52 PM

CNN identified the wrong guy as Deryk Schlessinger! Deryk is the guy on santa's left.

Posted by Leftie | May 24, 2007 3:55 PM

CNN identified the wrong guy as Deryk Schlessinger! Deryk is the guy on santa's left.

Posted by Leftie | May 24, 2007 3:56 PM
Posted by MJ LOOK | May 25, 2007 4:48 PM

To clarify, just before "warrior son" Deryk (what an awful name to give to your kid) started college,Dr. Laura announced that she was no longer following Orthodox Judaism. I don't know what she is now.

Posted by Tubbytoast | May 26, 2007 5:25 PM

Mr. Poe,

Two elements of the mind: intellect and will. It is a function of "will" that you choose to be gay and to screw old men. Don't blame your mother. Intellect does not induce anyone to act.

Posted by alphonse | May 28, 2007 3:59 AM

Is this for real? Do you people hate another human being so much that you are willing to take whatever rumors surface as absolute truth? Do you people even live in the real world? I guess I already know the answer to that

Posted by Allie | May 31, 2007 3:21 PM

As if it weren't bad enough that the homo-phobic 'arch-hypocrite' one-time physiologist (by the way, she's NOT a Psychologist) 'Pseudo-Dr' Laura's misanthropic pseudo-Judaeic vitriol has destroyed not only her own mother's life (the poor old lady was found bludgeoned to death rotting on a dirty kitchen floor nearly 3 months after her murder---Dr Laura having NOT even spoken to her for more than a decade) but has added misery & mayhem to countless persons desperately coming to her seeking so-called 'professional' help with family problems on that hideously inane radio 'talk show' of hers (most of the vomit flowing from her painted caustic lips are so mindlessly jejune they are positively laughable---unfortunately she doesn't know she's doing comedy...) : the recent child pornography & violent sex acts displayed by her hell-spawn son recently posted on MySpace.Com did NOT happen in a vacuum (and we can all thank our own very personal clan god there is only one such little abortion from her rotting thighs that we have to deal with on this planet) & echoes her own degraded moral character if we pause to consider all those cheery pornographic colour snaps of her naked, mis-shapen, flat-chested, spread-eagled stick-like body posted on the world wide web for the whole world to gawk at in Shock and Awe nearly ten years ago...the problem of course is that this particular type of religious right wing zealot-hypocrite tends to have AIPAC type corporate sponsorship along with a kind of Jim-Jones cult-like following among the deluded & Dumbed Down American masses that kept her sickeningly in the Public Ear for so many years now ('What Would Moses Do...?!!!' Actually he'd probably stone her then go out and genocide some more Amalekites just so he'd feel better after having had to look at her...)--so now we have to figure out WHAT THE HELL to do with that scheming 'Little Boy-Toy’ of her’s, aka Deryk the Devil---maybe a nice LONG tour of the Back Streets of Baghdad on all Fours sniffing out all those Improvised Explosive Devices littering the backroads these days, courtesy of US Operation Shekhinah (better make it FIVE uninterrupted Tours in a row, like so many other US soldiers who have had to undergo that Hell-Hole just to keep people like his Mommykins in Mink)---or maybe we should just post a few pictures of sonny-boy spread eagle in positions suggestive of Guantanamo Bay Detainees...or maybe just a Simple Court Marshal…suffice it to say, 'Doctor' Laura and her little Monster are certainly 'not good for the Jews' case AIPAC was wondering about that one...

Posted by theophilos09 | June 6, 2007 12:57 PM

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