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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Nickels Trivia

posted by on May 29 at 11:27 AM

While it wasn’t a $900,000 scam at a tribal casino, it sure looks like Team Nickels had an inside fix of their own going.

The latest financial reports from the Team Nickels campaign shows that the winners of a Nickels fund raising raffle (it was a trivia quiz) were all former and current Nickels and city staffers.

And the winners are:

Nickels’s community outreach person, Sharee Pierce, won $100 Gwen Stefani concert tickets.

Former Nickels campaigner Katie Kuciemba won $100 credit at El Gaucho. Former Nickels campaigner and current Dept. of Neighborhoods spokesman Peter McGraw and transportation department staffer Tracie Sunday each won a $100 credit at El Gaucho.

And Rob Johnson, Transportation Choices political director (and big Nickels supporter) also scored $100 at El Gaucho.

Oh, and Jake Nickels scored $58 Mariner tickets.

I’ve got a call out to Team Nickels for an explanation about this incredibly pressing scandal.

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zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Posted by Essex | May 29, 2007 11:42 AM

Team Nickles owes you no explanation. And big deal, you catch them contradicting themselves or sounding silly. Then we have another party post for your heroic efforts. An effective statement to their behavior might be to forego your pro sports tickets (isn't there a multifield of basketball, soccer, tennis and baseball next to your office?), don't eat at lavish restaraunts (maybe a month on taco bell will give you a taste of the welfare state), and try writing your own musical, update West Side Story for us.
The trickle down from power people like Wolfowitz to Nickles extends to you.

Posted by Gene Scheider | May 29, 2007 11:47 AM

I am having a hard time understanding the gist of this it just me?

Did Nickels' campaign have a fundraising raffle? And the issue is that some people on his team won the raffle? Not sure there's much smoke here.

Posted by Brad | May 29, 2007 12:01 PM

I was there, Josh, and it was a fundraiser. For Nickels. Meaning, Nickel's supporters were the only ones there, meaning all the winners were Nickel's supporters. So it would make sense that Lisa Herbold or Matt Fox would not snag the season's pass for two to Wild Waves. (Not that that was a prize. I didn't pay the minumum contribution, thus I wasn't eligible to win. Also, I had to leave early.)

Posted by Will of HA | May 29, 2007 12:23 PM

Well, I never heard of it and sure didn't buy any tickets. They were probably the only ones.

Posted by Tiz | May 29, 2007 12:24 PM

The interesting issue is this. Raffles fall under state gambling laws. Not following the rules can result in serious fines. It's questionable if a Nickels campaign could even legally use a raffle to raise money, since part of the law states your organization must have 15 voting members who elect the governing body of the org.

rules for raffles can be found here:


Sounds as if maybe Nickels son ran this raffle. Maybe Frank Colacurcio Sr's son Frank Jr, and Nickel's son conspired here. We should have Richard Lee look into it. Possible connection to Cobain's murder? Did Nickels murder Cobain? wonder he's anti-nightlife.

Posted by Frank | May 29, 2007 12:42 PM

Hey, I hosted that night! If there was graft going on, I missed out. Boo.

Here's the deal: a bunch of people who wanted to support Nickels donated $25 each (that's each person, not each team) to play pub trivia.

There were 5 rounds. The team that scored highest in each round won a donated prize -- Stefani tickets, El Gaucho gift card, etc. The team that scored highest at the end of the night also won a prize, which was (as I recall) the Mariners tickets.

Much to my chagrin, Nickels' own team won the night -- though only because Charley Royer's friends don't know sports all that well.

Friends and coworkers of Nickels won most of the stuff because, well, who else donates $25 a person to play pub trivia?

Posted by James | May 29, 2007 12:51 PM

How do you have a Trivia Raffle?

Isn't a Raffle a drawing? Isn't Trivia answering questions for a prize? Can we make this a new show on fox?

Posted by CodyBolt | May 29, 2007 12:51 PM

Yeah, but raffles are the easiest thing to win. I win tons of prizes, because I buy tix. My guess is his staff realizes these are cool deals and they buy a block of 5 or 6. This both salts the pot - people are more likely to sign a petition with signatures or a list with entered names, and likewise give tips to bartenders and barristas if there is money there - same goes for raffles that have some bought.

So, this is totally unsurprising.

I do expect they do as I do when I win, and donate back items they can't use.

If you told me they won a day spa for a guy and took it, that would be news.

Posted by Will in Seattle | May 29, 2007 12:53 PM

Didn't the Stranger endorse Nickles in his re-election bid? Honestly, this sounds more like whining than a real life issue.

Is it just me or has The Stranger gone mainstream with it's media coverage? I mean besides Savage's addiciton to cum?

Posted by Just Me | May 29, 2007 1:03 PM

I was there, our team won a free pitcher of beer for winning the first round of trivia. Not really a raffle, just prizes for the team that won each round. PS Nobody wanted the Gwen Stefani tickets. I think the Mayor's team won them and tried to GIVE them away.

Posted by Team Council | May 29, 2007 1:07 PM

This is like the cherry on the top of the City of Seattle Corruption Cake. This sort of string pulling is their way of life., the Mayor's and the City Council's.

Must be a slow news week for Josh Feit if he's chasing this. I feel like you just told us that bears shit in the woods.

Posted by Gomez | May 29, 2007 1:12 PM

If liquor was awarded as a prize, then unless they had a special license, they violated state gambing laws. Not a huge thing, but neither was Strippergate, and that ended the political careers of two good City Council people. Last week we had jr. Nickels getting busted for violating gambling laws, this week it's Sr. Nickels. Trends of breaking rules like these typically run much deeper than a small trivia game.

Posted by Frank | May 29, 2007 1:21 PM

it is news. if not, it's karma. either way, it's at least a little bit interesting.

Posted by infrequent | May 29, 2007 1:34 PM

Cops are picking on black people for no reason around town, while kids in the U District are getting mugged and robbed at gunpoint thanks to inadequate (read: no) police coverage around frat row.

Meanwhile, Josh Feit is hounding the Mayor's office about a rigged trivia raffle.

Great reinforcement of Feit's priorities, infrequent.

Posted by Gomez | May 29, 2007 2:40 PM

This story reminds me of the time I was really, really bored.

But less interesting still.

Posted by StrangerDanger | May 29, 2007 2:49 PM

Remember folks, Corruption charges only count if you're a female elected official ... at least in Seattle.

Posted by Will in Seattle | May 29, 2007 3:44 PM

LOL, Will.

Another thing to think about: Who attended this raffle? If it was mostly Nickels staffers, well then, that's not so much corruption as it is simple odds coming to pass.

Posted by Gomez | May 29, 2007 4:11 PM

Peter McGraw did not win a $100 credit to El Guacho. He merely mooched off the team that did.

Posted by Steak Fan | May 29, 2007 4:18 PM

This just in: They're all being indicted!

Posted by Josh Feit | May 29, 2007 4:35 PM

I'm pretty sure Strippergate was a MUCH bigger deal.

Posted by hunh? | May 29, 2007 8:20 PM


Posted by Bill | June 12, 2007 11:02 AM


Posted by Bill | June 12, 2007 11:02 AM


Posted by Bill | June 12, 2007 11:04 AM

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