Frankly, I like watching a trainwreck in slow motion but what is the fascination with this kid?
Don't get me wrong, I admire the comfortablity he has with his sexuality but the overall theme seems to be his realization that the world is not as he thought it was.
Welcome to the world kiddo, now get over yourself.
PS Thanks for all your hard work for our people Dan. (Such as the recent smackdown to the Master of Prairie Home Companion) Keep kicking ass.
i hated him at first (granted the "bitch, please" episode was totally hard to take!) but now i find him sort fo facsinating and odd and entertaining at the same time.
I think i was maybe as freaky as he is when i was his age, so i guess i can relate to the crazy shit gay kids do when they're trapped in small towns.
He's compelling -- and not because he's blond and blue-eyed and I wanna fuck him. He's no Sanjaya. He's too girly even for me--he doesn't register sexually, he's practically pixilated. And some of the things he says are almost... profound. So he's entertaining and interesting.
That hairclip made my whole day. And the fact that the entire video is filmed from the folds of a curtain. And the subtle leopard-print top. (if "subtle" is ever an appropriate descriptor of leopard print.)
I watched the other two with a finger hovering over pause; this one I genuinely enjoyed. He's coming into his fabulous absurdity quite well.
Sam (and Dan) - I love the daily Chris Crocker. I love this boy - he's not just the American, European and World-Wide Dream, he's the dream of me when I was 13. I'm usre in real life he'd be hard to take beyond a few minutes, but these videos are totally great.
You Tube the "15 min of fame" channel.
He is not really interesting I have herd all this "Queen wit" banter many times before. Guys talking like they are in drag all the time like they are the wittiest thing since Oscar Wilde. It never seems like they are letting their true personality out. Instead just covering it up with a staged character, a cliché that guaranties a group of same acting friends but looks and sounds old and tired to me, even from a young guy.
You guys, it's satire. He knows what he's saying is ridiculous and that's why he's saying it—it's funny. If you watch enough of his videos you realize that he's just an entertaining little twink who wants lots and lots of attention.
Carollani, I agree for the most part. Save perhaps for the funny part. Except the video with his grandmother. That's a lovely accepting woman who I wish was my grandmother.
It's true – everyone in the world dreams of being a decadent, materialistic American awash in a sea of meaningless sex with a throng of MySpace friends.
Of all the CC videos I've watched, this one has to be my fave. He's a riot.
I think what I love is that he's over the top and so visible about it. When I was that age in a small Indiana town in the early 90s I was 220lbs, closeted, and asexual.
Pope I noticed the same thing about the connection with Avril Lavigne. It creeped me about a bit, but also may be the most entertaining for me to know that Avril may actually be a 20-something twink from the south who is a "REAL bitch" (from Real Bitch Island!).
Chris Crocker is captivating, ridiculous, and hilarious. I'm totally writing a role for him in my next movie. Mark my words: this adorable little nancy boy is going to be a STAR.
"I don't understand. Is the point of this video that he's full of himself, or that he's an idiot?"
Yes on both counts, but he's also in the joke, which puts him in a sort of ironic worm hole that doesn't fit within the 3-dimensions usually allotted to dramatic characters.
Think Sarah Silverman if she were a blonde, male, goyische twink.
This guy is beautiful and creepy at the same time. That bit at the end where he's staring out the window wistfully, the look in his eye totally freaks me out. I sort of see his appeal for those who like the swishy types, but frankly I think he's trying too hard.
Forced and delusional.
Just another gay boy that thinks being gay is paramount. It isn't. If you live your life with "being gay" as how you approach everything and every day then all you will do is see things with a blinkered view. This constant coming to terms and accepting of oneself can make you become obsessive about what you are trying to understand which in his case is being gay and how he fits in. Dishing out the same dialogue I have herd a million times from every drag queen I have worked with and watched gets boring. Someone please make then understand they do not have to preform all the time. I honestly do feel he is not connecting with his true personality and dwelling too much on who he is as a gay person. Move on and let it slide a little. Living life for "all" the things life can offer is far more interesting than living it through "I am gay" eyes all the time. Let it go and step outside your box. Actually he has 2 more boxes to get over. His computer with camera and the You Tube box.
I still have yet to listen to one of these with sound, but I still watch them. At first it made me uncomfortable, even though he's putting it out there himself. Also, he kind of looks like better looking, really gay version of my little brother. He also looks 16, and 16 year old boys embarrass me by their very existence.
But now I am having fun imagining what's going on. In this one, he is a cat who has been dressed up by the obnoxious children of his owners, and that is why he is hiding in the curtains. I my world, Chris... what his last name? Anyway, he's a furry.
Posted by
exelizabeth |
April 12, 2007 12:56 PM
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Ah! i hate these, and I'm not even watching them. im just sick of seeing him naked all over LJ. I hate My dailiy Chris Crocker!
Frankly, I like watching a trainwreck in slow motion but what is the fascination with this kid?
Don't get me wrong, I admire the comfortablity he has with his sexuality but the overall theme seems to be his realization that the world is not as he thought it was.
Welcome to the world kiddo, now get over yourself.
PS Thanks for all your hard work for our people Dan. (Such as the recent smackdown to the Master of Prairie Home Companion) Keep kicking ass.
No more. I've had enough. I got the message!
i hated him at first (granted the "bitch, please" episode was totally hard to take!) but now i find him sort fo facsinating and odd and entertaining at the same time.
I think i was maybe as freaky as he is when i was his age, so i guess i can relate to the crazy shit gay kids do when they're trapped in small towns.
Listen to the words people.....this is the best quote EVER....
"I'm gay, that's royalty enough"
nuff said.
"I'm the worldwide dream". That's lovely.
Thank you Dan. I needed my little morning Chris Crocker giggle.
Also...I just feel glad that a boy like Chris has a stage...he is hysterical.
He is such a "MadTV" reoccuring character skit waiting to happen...
Dan, please be honest - do you actually think this is entertaining or interesting?
He's compelling -- and not because he's blond and blue-eyed and I wanna fuck him. He's no Sanjaya. He's too girly even for me--he doesn't register sexually, he's practically pixilated. And some of the things he says are almost... profound. So he's entertaining and interesting.
That hairclip made my whole day. And the fact that the entire video is filmed from the folds of a curtain. And the subtle leopard-print top. (if "subtle" is ever an appropriate descriptor of leopard print.)
I watched the other two with a finger hovering over pause; this one I genuinely enjoyed. He's coming into his fabulous absurdity quite well.
Sam (and Dan) - I love the daily Chris Crocker. I love this boy - he's not just the American, European and World-Wide Dream, he's the dream of me when I was 13. I'm usre in real life he'd be hard to take beyond a few minutes, but these videos are totally great.
You Tube the "15 min of fame" channel.
He is not really interesting I have herd all this "Queen wit" banter many times before. Guys talking like they are in drag all the time like they are the wittiest thing since Oscar Wilde. It never seems like they are letting their true personality out. Instead just covering it up with a staged character, a cliché that guaranties a group of same acting friends but looks and sounds old and tired to me, even from a young guy.
You guys, it's satire. He knows what he's saying is ridiculous and that's why he's saying it—it's funny. If you watch enough of his videos you realize that he's just an entertaining little twink who wants lots and lots of attention.
don't you know that personality is merely presentation? you could be sugary sweet on the outside, but on the inside "be totally roh-'en."
Carollani, I agree for the most part. Save perhaps for the funny part. Except the video with his grandmother. That's a lovely accepting woman who I wish was my grandmother.
I like him. I think he's playing at being a twink Sarah Silverman, and I'm OK with that.
It's true – everyone in the world dreams of being a decadent, materialistic American awash in a sea of meaningless sex with a throng of MySpace friends.
I have no problem with Chris Crocker, but I have had enough. This makes me want to ditch the SLOG RSS feed.
I did want to mention that I think he looks a LOT like Avril Lavigne. Not quite separated-at-birth, but better than half-sibling.
Of all the CC videos I've watched, this one has to be my fave. He's a riot.
I think what I love is that he's over the top and so visible about it. When I was that age in a small Indiana town in the early 90s I was 220lbs, closeted, and asexual.
Pope I noticed the same thing about the connection with Avril Lavigne. It creeped me about a bit, but also may be the most entertaining for me to know that Avril may actually be a 20-something twink from the south who is a "REAL bitch" (from Real Bitch Island!).
Chris Crocker is captivating, ridiculous, and hilarious. I'm totally writing a role for him in my next movie. Mark my words: this adorable little nancy boy is going to be a STAR.
I prefer Betty Butterfield actually.
I don't understand. Is the point of this video that he's full of himself, or that he's an idiot?
Ok, this one was actually good.
"I don't understand. Is the point of this video that he's full of himself, or that he's an idiot?"
Yes on both counts, but he's also in the joke, which puts him in a sort of ironic worm hole that doesn't fit within the 3-dimensions usually allotted to dramatic characters.
Think Sarah Silverman if she were a blonde, male, goyische twink.
This guy is beautiful and creepy at the same time. That bit at the end where he's staring out the window wistfully, the look in his eye totally freaks me out. I sort of see his appeal for those who like the swishy types, but frankly I think he's trying too hard.
Forced and delusional.
Just another gay boy that thinks being gay is paramount. It isn't. If you live your life with "being gay" as how you approach everything and every day then all you will do is see things with a blinkered view. This constant coming to terms and accepting of oneself can make you become obsessive about what you are trying to understand which in his case is being gay and how he fits in. Dishing out the same dialogue I have herd a million times from every drag queen I have worked with and watched gets boring. Someone please make then understand they do not have to preform all the time. I honestly do feel he is not connecting with his true personality and dwelling too much on who he is as a gay person. Move on and let it slide a little. Living life for "all" the things life can offer is far more interesting than living it through "I am gay" eyes all the time. Let it go and step outside your box. Actually he has 2 more boxes to get over. His computer with camera and the You Tube box.
OH MY GAWD! Goodbye Chris Crocker and Hello Betty Butterfield. Thanks, for sharing Raindrop!
I fuckin' love Chris Crocker! He goes great with morning coffee.
(And after all- being gay truly IS royalty enough)
I still have yet to listen to one of these with sound, but I still watch them. At first it made me uncomfortable, even though he's putting it out there himself. Also, he kind of looks like better looking, really gay version of my little brother. He also looks 16, and 16 year old boys embarrass me by their very existence.
But now I am having fun imagining what's going on. In this one, he is a cat who has been dressed up by the obnoxious children of his owners, and that is why he is hiding in the curtains. I my world, Chris... what his last name? Anyway, he's a furry.
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