City Help Find Grover
posted by April 5 at 11:35 AM
onOn page 15 of this week’s Stranger comes this sweet sad ad:
That fuzzy text below the picture lists specifics on the lost Grover: 9 inches tall, fuzzy, blue, cute, last seen Wednesday March 29 on Pine Street, between 15th and Boren. The ad in the Stranger includes more info:
I lost my unbelievably sweet and wonderful boyfriend’s most beloved, treasured possession: GROVER. Yes, little blue Grover from Sesame Street. Grover has been around the world and back with him—Vienna, France, Tokyo, and rode shotgun with him across the country more than once. PLEASE return him if you have him. REWARD: a different Grover of your own. IF YOU FIND HIM: Please email us at
We may not be able to bring troops home now, or impeach George W. Bush, or cure cancer or AIDS or spina bifida. But we can help this lady find her boyfriend’s lost Grover. If Grover remains at large, the terrorists have won.
How do we know it's a lady searching for her boyfriend's doll? I assumed it was a man searching for his boyfriend's doll. But maybe that's because all my boyfriends with stuffed animals have been gay, gay, gay.
Oh: During my investigation of the missing Grover, I exchanged emails with the lady, and she's a lady.
Grover loves you no matter what your gender or gender preference is.
Grover is just Grover.
Someone call Mike Hargrove in Cleveland and tell him this lady is looking for him.
Did you ask Charles? He seems to be the one picking stuff up off the ground these days.
And BTW, still waitin' for the return of "my" baggie...
well almost.
It's a Muppocaust!
Damn, I think I may have creamated a Groover I found and then snorted him up with a little bit of blow. Sorry about that folks.
Aw, I love Grover (aka Yoda)!
Someonebody call Mike Hargrove in Seattle and tell him to pull his head out of his fat ass.
"Did you ask Charles? He seems to be the one picking stuff up off the ground these days."
... Classic.
Don't despair Grover Lady! One time I lost an Ernie finger puppet and found it in an antique store bathroom years later! (I was five years old.)
I can empathize with the boyfriend. I thought I had lost my childhood grover. Thankfully it turned out that he was safe at my mother's place.
Face it, Grover is gone for good.
Yeah, sometimes its time to just.. let it go.
I wonder if Grover met a similar fate as Burning-Me Elmo?
ha ha - this is no laughing matter, folks.
this is real.
maybe i can clear up a few things:
1. i am a 5' 2" gay man.
no. i'm a lady. but that's how
much i love the guys.
2. he's straight.
3. grover NEEDS to come back.
4. i'm pretty d*mn sure my boyfriend's straight. . .
5. thanks for helping, folks!
him name is hopkin green frog
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