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Thursday, February 8, 2007

Our City Is Healthier Than Your City!

posted by on February 8 at 16:06 PM

Take that, Colorado Springs!


In other fat-related news, here’s a cool site that shows what 200 calories’ worth of various foods looks like on the plate.

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Apparently they haven't seen our mayor...

Posted by DOUG. | February 8, 2007 4:33 PM

Yeah but Colorado Springs has less Californians. Think fat people are less tolerable than Californians and native Seattlite Californian wannabes? There's a reason Seattle has a "suicide bridge" and Colorado Springs doesn't.

Posted by KEN | February 8, 2007 4:46 PM

Yeah, the weather.

Posted by keshmeshi | February 8, 2007 5:00 PM

If that gal's rump isn't a "suicide bridge" I don't know what is.

Posted by Fnarf | February 8, 2007 5:38 PM

Do you think this is helpful to anyone?

Do you think that this will make someone say "oh thank you, I'm going to lose some weight now"?

Don't you see that little by little it all adds up to big predjudice: size, race, religion, sexuality.

Please stop.

Posted by God | February 8, 2007 5:43 PM

We may not be #1 for biking, but we are #1 for walking. Now, I've gotta go get in my car and catch a flick at the Harvard Exit ... walked to work yesterday.

Posted by Will in Seattle | February 8, 2007 5:46 PM

It blows that you can have 90% of a donut, but only 60% of a bagel. Donuts are gnarly.

I know that "you can have" language is stupid, but what can I say, I'm caught up in it.

Posted by skweetis | February 8, 2007 5:56 PM

That wasn't very nice of you to use those people's photo here. Boo.

Posted by be nice | February 8, 2007 6:09 PM

Whoa! Is the purpose of the Slog to be helpful now? I'll have to stop reading. I don't want any "help" from my website reading.

Posted by Fnarf | February 8, 2007 6:22 PM

Yeah, this post is fatphobic. Another example of people using random pictures of "anonymous" overweight people in their coverage for the purpose of humiliation.

Posted by Domenica | February 8, 2007 6:45 PM

fatphobic? @ 10.

Well, slog is also very methphobic and lord knows the Stranger has specialized in being mean and snarky over the years....that's the joy of it for many of us. Stick around long enough and sooner or later your ox will get gored.

Me, I'd rather date a meth user than a morbidly obese woman wearing black stretchies.

Posted by blastoff | February 8, 2007 7:11 PM

morbidly obese? @ 11.

Oh, you're a doctor who has seen the women pictured, Blastoff? Or did you just diagnose them with a medical condition because of your vast experience with meth?
Morbid Obesity is a medical condition and it means that you are literally *dying* of your wieght, or complications from it. Morbid Obesity is not that you're wearing a poor choice of pants and have a big butt.
I would have thought that ECB would know better than to judge women based on one photo of them. Guess our fave radical "feminazi" slogger is just as sexist as the next girl.

Posted by Dee in SF | February 8, 2007 7:48 PM

God forbid we hurt anyone's feelings when they're too fat to live or fit in an airline seat. I'd date an amputee before I'd date fat or a smoker.

Posted by ektachrome | February 8, 2007 8:15 PM

Um, #12, did you not notice there's a fat man in the picture too? I'm no doctor, but I'll go ahead and diagnose you with morbid stupidity/media illiteracy. Both the man and the woman here are equally nauseating. Equally!

Posted by Eric Grandy | February 8, 2007 8:24 PM

Someone seems a bit touchy! Morbid obesity is a description, not a diagnosis. It simply means greater than half your ideal body weight or 100 pounds over the mark , whichever is smaller. Looks like both these happy citizens qualify. Do I sense a bit of projection here?

Posted by Belasius | February 8, 2007 8:35 PM

Ektachrome, who the fuck cares who you'd date? The point is not who is attractive to YOU the point is that ridiculing people for their size is as wrong as ridiculing someone for their race, sex, sexuality, class or physical/mental ability.

Posted by Papayas | February 8, 2007 8:37 PM

Let me add to the chorus: As an avid Slog reader, this is pretty low. Overweight people are the last in our society who we still feel better about ourselves singling out and making fun of. The sources of the obesity epidemic--including socio-economic status, regional habits, and the stranglehold that food corporations have on our government--should be targeted and lampooned, not those individuals who suffer from being overweight.

Posted by AJ | February 8, 2007 9:01 PM

can we make fun of smokers next? I can participate with a clearer concience, since I'm not fat but I do smoke.

Posted by Belasius | February 8, 2007 9:14 PM

I think we're so fat in this country because you're pc pussy nonsense. Equating skin color, gender, and orientation with behavior and diet choices? You're not helping fat poeple by letting them off the hook.

Posted by ektachrome | February 8, 2007 9:27 PM

woops, I meant "people".

Posted by ektachrome | February 8, 2007 9:28 PM


Your loss honey, I am a smoker and the best person in bed in the entire world.

What you need is not such silly twinkie opinions, but a better brain.

Your sex life might take a immediate upturn as well.

Posted by steve | February 8, 2007 9:38 PM

Serious over weight gain is now a problem in all westernized nations. Simply, our biological nature tells to eat to avoid famine and gain some fat for winter.

No longer good messages. Ample food, lots of calories year around.

The fat phobic can all go to hell in their attempt to act superior, beautiful, or brainy.

Utter stupid fools. And during the rest of your life, where ever you go in the westernized world, there will be many, many fat people, all ages, all sizes, all sexes and nations - big and bigger asses......

Suggest immediate migration for some of you fools to North Korea, increase your comfort zone.

Posted by celisea | February 8, 2007 10:20 PM

i didn't choose my gender
i didn't choose my sexuality
i didn't choose my skin color
but i did choose my diet

some people are chronically overweight even when eating a balanced diet and getting exercise. to them i apologize, but to every other fatty i ask them to stop fucking up health insurance (more than it's already fucked up). Smokers have to pay a lot more because smoking is a choice. For most people, being fat is a choice.

Posted by Cook | February 8, 2007 10:22 PM

screwing skinny women is just a horrible experience

to all you twinks, gay or straight, you are passing up some good stuff if a little over weight is such a big deal

see a therapist as to why you are a non pleasure seeking adult

Posted by skater | February 8, 2007 11:28 PM

@24 - very very true. avoid skinny women - seriously.

Posted by Will in Seattle | February 9, 2007 12:05 AM

Skinny women are fine. I'm sick of everyone dumping on them.

I love my fat relatives. I would be sad if this was a photo of my aunt, who is the loveliest person on earth, who has had a major weight problem her whole life. That said, I wish my aunt would lose the weight so she'd live longer 'cause she's so great.

BTW, some women fatten themselves up as a response to the trauma of sexual assault. (One tends to be more anonymous and invisible when one is fat.)

Posted by please | February 9, 2007 1:58 AM

What the hell is skinny anyway? I'm 5'6" and 125 pounds, and I've been called skinny, which I find just ridiculous.

Also, is anyone tired of the phrases "real curves" and "real women"?

Posted by Gloria | February 9, 2007 3:47 AM

Ironically, these obese people ARE walking while we (presumably fit and healthy) are sitting on our asses typing.

Posted by Royal Wulf | February 9, 2007 9:14 AM

5'6" and 125 pounds is skinny. 5'6" and 105 pounds or less is emaciated.

Posted by keshmeshi | February 9, 2007 9:34 AM

Maybe it's a matter of connotations. When I hear "skinny", it sounds like too thin and underfed ... not bony and poky, but not enough fat or meat. I've got both, and I would never call myself underfed either. I'd be all up for "slender."

Posted by Gloria | February 9, 2007 9:48 AM

Can we get back to the real point of appropriate discrimination here? I wouldn't bone a woman from Colorado Springs if she looked like Jessica Alba and Scarlett Johansson's secret love child. Boo Colorado Springs. I'm calling you out, SMALL TOWN.

Posted by Fnarf | February 9, 2007 9:54 AM

In reviewing the photo, let's keep in mind that horizontal parking lot stripes add ten pounds.

Posted by Smarm | February 9, 2007 10:20 AM

(Hey, skinny people are no fucking picnic either. There's always a touch of Gollum in them that freaks me out. They seem easily breakable and they're always scrambling around getting in and out of every little nook and cranny and if they're short to boot, it's oftentimes hard to know where they are.)

You're fat? I don't care about why you're fat. I have my own problems.

I don't come over to your house to procrastinate, underachieve, and talk about my extra tooth. Pull your weight and get on with it already.

Posted by Lloyd Clydesdale | February 9, 2007 11:31 AM

You have an extra tooth?

Posted by Fnarf | February 9, 2007 2:13 PM

Wolf tooth.

Posted by Lloyd Clydesdale | February 9, 2007 2:29 PM

I'm not sure which is worse, the fact that Erica's post was passive agressive in its hating of fat people, or Eric's coming right out and calling fat people nauseating.

Glad I didn't submit my resume this week like I was going to, it probably just would have been moved to the fat pile and thrown in the trash.

Posted by Fatty McFatterson | February 9, 2007 2:48 PM

The picture here is posted as a spectacle to elicit a reaction but I can't help reacting although I think fat people are picked on way too much (hello Nordit). One the one hand I empathize. There but for the grace of God go I--I love to eat, engage in my share of overeating and don't begrudge anyone this pleasure. On the other hand, the image symbolizes American greed which is in and of itself appalling. American greed meaning the entitlement to cosummate every single desire, to destroy the earth with highways and strip malls that have no place to walk--people sitting like veal in their cars. Still, I don't feel angry at the couple themselves or fat people in general--based on some of these posts a lot of people get angry at fat people. There are complex reasons why people get fat (one poster cited obesity as a reaction to childhood abuse). In a country where a lot of people (not all) have unlimited access to food, food acquires functions beyond nutrition; food becomes comfort, love, a distraction, and on and on..... Dieting is damn hard. Some posters referred to "choice", as in a person could choose to overeat or not, but it's not that simple. I doubt that most people would choose to be overweight. Even knowing that gaining weight is a logical consequence of overeating is not enough to get many people to stop because eating fulfllls other needs, for better or worse. Life is fucking hard. Have a heart.

Posted by mcat | February 11, 2007 10:14 AM

The picture here is posted as a spectacle to elicit a reaction but I can't help reacting although I think fat people are picked on way too much (hello Nordit). One the one hand I empathize. There but for the grace of God go I--I love to eat, engage in my share of overeating and don't begrudge anyone this pleasure. On the other hand, the image symbolizes American greed which is in and of itself appalling. American greed meaning the entitlement to cosummate every single desire, to destroy the earth with highways and strip malls that have no place to walk--people sitting like veal in their cars. Still, I don't feel angry at the couple themselves or fat people in general--based on some of these posts a lot of people get angry at fat people. There are complex reasons why people get fat (one poster cited obesity as a reaction to childhood abuse). In a country where a lot of people (not all) have unlimited access to food, food acquires functions beyond nutrition; food becomes comfort, love, a distraction, and on and on..... Dieting is damn hard. Some posters referred to "choice", as in a person could choose to overeat or not, but it's not that simple. I doubt that most people would choose to be overweight. Even knowing that gaining weight is a logical consequence of overeating is not enough to get many people to stop because eating fulfllls other needs, for better or worse. Life is fucking hard. Have a heart.

Posted by mcat | February 11, 2007 10:15 AM

The picture here is posted as a spectacle to elicit a reaction but I can't help reacting although I think fat people are picked on way too much (hello Nordit). One the one hand I empathize. There but for the grace of God go I--I love to eat, engage in my share of overeating and don't begrudge anyone this pleasure. On the other hand, the image symbolizes American greed which is in and of itself appalling. American greed meaning the entitlement to cosummate every single desire, to destroy the earth with highways and strip malls that have no place to walk--people sitting like veal in their cars. Still, I don't feel angry at the couple themselves or fat people in general--based on some of these posts a lot of people get angry at fat people. There are complex reasons why people get fat (one poster cited obesity as a reaction to childhood abuse). In a country where a lot of people (not all) have unlimited access to food, food acquires functions beyond nutrition; food becomes comfort, love, a distraction, and on and on..... Dieting is damn hard. Some posters referred to "choice", as in a person could choose to overeat or not, but it's not that simple. I doubt that most people would choose to be overweight. Even knowing that gaining weight is a logical consequence of overeating is not enough to get many people to stop because eating fulfllls other needs, for better or worse. Life is fucking hard. Have a heart.

Posted by mcat | February 11, 2007 10:15 AM

Hey, sorry I posted three times. I didn't think it worked the first time.

Posted by mcat | February 11, 2007 10:16 AM

The ones that really get me are the ones who insist on chowing down WHILE complaining to me how they need to diet, or making some kind of elaborate excuse about how today (and the past week) is their "day off." Gorge and be happy about it so I don't feel awkward, like I should be stopping you while you're obviously doing what you want, or gorge and weep about it privately on your own time, and leave me the hell alone.

Posted by Gloria | February 12, 2007 4:27 AM

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