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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

How Bad Are Things In Iraq?

posted by on February 13 at 20:01 PM

It’s so bad over there that the Iraqi government just announced that it will begin opening people’s mail and eavesdropping on their private phone calls—you know, the sort of stuff the Bush administration has been doing over here for years. The New York Times reports

New Baghdad Crackdown Is Announced

The Iraqi government on Tuesday ordered tens of thousands of Baghdad residents to leave homes they are occupying illegally, in a surprising and highly challenging effort to reverse the tide of sectarian cleansing that has left the capital bloodied and Balkanized.

In a televised speech, Lt. Gen. Aboud Qanbar, who is leading the new crackdown, also announced the closing of Iraq’s borders with Iran and Syria, an extension of the curfew in Baghdad by an hour, and the setup of new checkpoints run by the Defense and Interior Ministries, both of which General Qanbar said he now controlled.

He said the government would break into homes and cars it deemed dangerous, open mail and eavesdrop on phone calls.

Well, gee. I don’t even know what to say. Besides DAMF of course. DAMF.

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And people doubted we would eventually bring American-style democracy to Iraq.

Posted by COMTE | February 13, 2007 8:17 PM

How bad? Its so bad that Muqtada al-Sadr is getting the fuck out of dodge and moving to Iran.

Let the next big nuclear holocaust begin!!

All thanks are due to Savage, Andrew Sullivan, Hillary, Joe Lieberman and all the ones that thought it was time to remake the middle east.

Posted by SeMe | February 13, 2007 9:11 PM

Every day in every way it gets more and more like Nam. Now they're recruiting sub-standard soldiers - which means the draft will happen any day now.

Posted by Will in Seattle | February 13, 2007 11:00 PM

Will: Why does recruiting sub-standard soldiers mean the draft will happen any day now? Because we're short on foot-soldiers? But that hasn't ever bothered this administration.

Posted by Matt | February 14, 2007 6:22 AM

The draft is correct... but Bush will not do it, wait 3 year more years till the next one.

But of those still drinking the kool-aid, of course keep thinking the Bush Commander-in-Chief leadership will win the war. Baghdad will become safe for walks in the park, the sunnis and shites will embrace each other along with Brother Jew and Sister Christian, and the dawn of a new and peaceful day will sweep across the whole of the Middle East, and dare it, the whole world. By the next election.

If not, what will troop levels be like in aught nine? I don't know, how many of today's United States 15 year olds in really want to be a solider?

Posted by Phenics | February 14, 2007 8:56 AM

A draft is a terrific idea, as long as it's for everyone with no college or wealth exemptions and a serious public service option. It would be a way to ensure that the consequences of politician's actions were felt in their social sphere as well. As it is, the burden of serving in the military falls entirely on those who are too poor or benighted to avoid it.

"Invade Iraq? Why should I care? My daughters aren't going to die there".

Posted by Fnarf | February 14, 2007 9:40 AM

A draft that includes everyone is a lousy idea. Instead, there should be a general vote on the war. Only those who vote in favor of the war are eligible to be drafted.

Posted by him | February 14, 2007 10:30 AM

Fnarf has a good point... I would like to add that, and students of history will confirm, the fact that when the last draft stopped in the 70's, a provision was added that any future military drafts would also include women in the selection lottery. How's that for a 1970's Left v. Right social equality legacy compromise, huh?

Which leaves one question, will the first woman elected president have the fortitude (what is the venacular for BALLS when talking about a women anyways?) to enact a draft which also includes women? Or, would a republican president in 2009 or 2010 (barring, of course, total Peace in the Middle East) have the balls to bring a draft to a country to fight a war which was based upon the lies of the previous republican president?

Posted by Phenics | February 14, 2007 10:31 AM

@4 - since I actually spent seven years serving, let's just say maybe I have a more informed opinion of what happens when we lower the recruiting standards - I remember how US soldiers were during the 80s - lowered expectations ... and how similar that is to the draft. Once you go there, it's an easy jump to drafting.

Posted by Will in Seattle | February 14, 2007 11:25 AM

@7 - good idea. won't happen, though.

Posted by Will in Seattle | February 14, 2007 11:27 AM

Phenics, I think the gender-neutral word you're looking for is GONADS, or 'NADS for short. Everyone's got 'em. Only some of us use 'em.

Posted by treacle | February 14, 2007 8:59 PM

feignxkb umirzba giduzv zqetb frduyq sebk mbat

Posted by rakwoij pwemluzq | March 2, 2007 12:22 AM

vxjneacys pbrwuloz jxsfp dbesymxvz wkqiut iclvqstre zndaho

Posted by unhqxwpvc ualoje | March 2, 2007 12:23 AM

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