Arts Small But Mighty Wandering Mandy Greer
posted by October 3 at 20:16 PM
onMandy Greer’s great big installation at Bumbershoot, Small But Mighty Wandering Pearl, of an infinitely bleeding stag, was a total traffic-stopper, and I was terribly saddened to think it was only up three days. The good news is — it’s not! It’s opening at CoCA Oct. 14 and running through Nov. 12, in a split bill that also includes a “photographic exploration … of the bride” by Tomiko Jones.
I once asked about why there’s no work out there that references babymaking — Greer’s deer gore, her Victorian viscera, is a great response.
Here’s a glimpse, but it must be seen in all its beaded, crocheted, stitched, knitted, and disgusting gorgeousness to be known.
i am so excited to learn there are fluffy pom-poms lodged somewhere within me and my mammalian friends! what a vile/lovely thing!
Judging from the photo, I take it Brendan Kiley's already been to the exhibition?
First thing I thought of when I saw this at B-Shoot were those old paintings of "the noble hunter" hauling his catch home to his starving family, the deer carcass slung over his shoulders like a scarf.
This was the best thing I saw at Bumbershoot this year. It moved me more than any music I saw. I even wrote a song about it, it'll be #3 in our set at the Comet tomorrow.
I'm glad you picked up on the quality of this artist and thanks for the lead to revisit!
Mandy Greer's work is always amazing, but how does a STAG (ie, male deer) dying relate to giving birth?!
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