Sex Sexy Piece of Shit
posted by October 27 at 15:28 PM
onHere is The Stranger’s art department’s rendering of my second-best costume idea/comment on the sexy costume controversy. (Note that for some reason the model’s midsection possesses the quality of an owl’s neck. Is this sexy? Sexist? Who can say? A gay man made it; the owls are not what they seem.) Sexy Piece of Shit is easy (in more ways than one!), fun, and undeniably HOT. Ladies, have at it—I am going as my first-best costume idea/comment on the sexy sports-nickname controversy: a Shehawk, tight end, but of course! (“But girls can’t throw/play sports/be powerful!” “I KNOW! Sexy!”) Ladies, if you steal (that’s a football term!) this idea, we will have to have a catfight, and that will only serve to reinforce the dominant paradigm. Happy Halloween!
I would wear the shit out of that costume, no pun intended. But, uh, why are the model's legs on backward?
Has anyone proposed Sexy Single Grain of Sand yet? Anyone?
Does that model have a giant cold sore onn her lip, or does my monitor need adjustment?
Be careful. Only certain people are gonna hit on you with this costume on.
Do as Hasslehoff does: Pile on the corn, be a huge hit in Germany!
I don't see what's so sexy about this costume. You can't even see her tits.
That costume stinks.
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