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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Advice from Soon-to-Be-Senator Murray

Posted by on September 19 at 21:37 PM

Earlier tonight, on our way out to the campaign parties, we ran into state Rep. Ed Murray (who holds the seat all six candidates we’re following tonight are seeking to fill) having dinner with his former boss Martha Cho and Democratic pollster Don McDonough at 1200 Bistro on Capitol Hill. (Murray is a shoo-in for state senator in the 43rd district, a race that’s on the ballot in November.) We had two questions for Murray: What advice would he give tonight’s winner; and what he would do if Jamie Pedersen, whom Murray endorsed, didn’t win?

To the first question, Murray said the winner would need to “spend time talking to their opponent’s supporters” and finding out what their issues are. Once in office, Murray said, the winner should “go to the unsung members of the caucus… and ask for their advice,” a tactic that served Murray well in his first term in office.

And if his candidate Pedersen doesn’t win?

Murray laughed, smiled, and responded: “That’s a tough question. You can’t expect me to answer that.”