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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Will the Real Valerie O’Neil Please Stand Up?

Posted by on July 19 at 17:15 PM

In a story about angry Sonics fans contemplating a Starbucks boycott (Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz owns/owned both the Sonics and Starbucks), The Seattle Times writes:

But a spokeswoman said the company had seen no signs as of Tuesday afternoon that basketball fans were taking their frustration out on the coffee chain.

“We would hope that fans would understand there’s a separation between Starbucks and the Basketball Club of Seattle. Even though the chairman is the same, the businesses are completely unrelated,” said Starbucks spokeswoman Valerie O’Neil.

If the businesses are completely unrelated, why is Valerie O’Neil also a spokesperson for the Sonics?

To wit: Check out this snippet from a PI story on the Sonics from last spring:

OLYMPIA — The Seattle Sonics are preparing to pull up stakes or put up the “for sale” sign as the Emerald City ponders the pros and cons of paying $220 million to remodel KeyArena to keep the team.

But while Seattle officials deliberate, other leaders want to discuss ways to keep the basketball team in Washington even if Seattle and the Sonics part ways.

Call it plan B, as in Bellevue.

The problem is Bellevue lacks a key element for a pro basketball franchise — an arena.

The city would need to start work on the project almost immediately to build an arena in time to meet the Sonics’ needs, said team spokeswoman Valerie O’Neil.

“It’s in the realm of possibilities,” she said. “But it needs to be on the fast track.”

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Nice catch, Josh! Kudos!

I'm guessing: A spokesperson could be a PR person outside of the firm; in turn, the PR person might have several different clients for whom they have to manage responsibilities.

So that's how the same person could be the spokesperson for two companies and say, truthfully, that the businesses are unrelated.

To heck with a boycott; this might make me actually *start* going there.

Want to boycott something? Pick Safeco Field. It was nixed by popular vote - one that we were promised would be binding - then forced down our throats.

The Sonics are the only local pro team to live within their market and not leech off of subsidies (OK, since the Coliseum remodel). As taxpayers, we should be glad - thrilled - Schultz and the city didn't make a deal.

Mmm, Tully's! They have this new Rainforest Blend Organic Fair Trade Espresso they serve at the Hub that's yummy! All the Dawgs love it ...

Easy there Josh. Valerie USED to be the Sonics spokeswoman and recently left to work for Starbucks. Not every thing is a corporate consipracy.

O'Neil announced she was leaving the Sonics in summer for SBUX months ago, and publicly. Sometimes blogging gets in the way of basic backgrounding, don't it, Feit?

I actually like Starbucks and I plan to keep going there because I like their product.

I could care less if the Sonics leave. I grew up a Laker fan but now that they traded Shaq (who just helped Miami win the ring btw) and kept the rapist Kobe Bryant - I don't even care about pro basketball. It has become, like every other men’s professional sport, a niche market. Men's pro sports really stopped being a community public asset a long time ago so why should I care.

I certainly don't want to give up on the chance at more sidewalks or open space to subsidize that stupid team that I could care less about. I have been to ONE Sonics game (free tix) in a decade. I will miss the Storm but luckily I will be missing them while I sip of my iced non fat no whip mocha. Life goes on...

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