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Friday, July 28, 2006

Chief Justice Alexander, in his own words

Posted by on July 28 at 14:59 PM

Weeks ago, we—meaning I—scheduled interviews with the state’s Supreme Court candidates in preparation for our annual endorsement issue. Then, one day before the interview, the justices announced they were upholding the gay marriage ban. Coincidence? Entirely. Fortuitous? Very.

Imagine a justice who voted to uphold DOMA trapped in a room with Dan Savage (wielding a framed picture of his son, DJ) and the rest of the Stranger Election Control Board, for an entire hour Well, you don’t have to just imagine the showdown! Here is Justice Gerry Alexander starring in “An Inquisition”:

The first half of the interview.

It’s nine minutes long, so here are some highlights: use of the phrase “child-rearing” (0:34), the sound of Dan placing a picture of his son on the table (0:50), discussion of “suspect class” (5:19), eight-second pause as Alexander ponders response to “Is homosexuality an immutable characteristic?”(5:55-6:03)

The second half of the interview.

Highlights: “How could you sign off on this prejudiced conjecture?” (0:50), state discrimination against children of gay parents (8:10), rationality of the legislature (9:10), support for the Pre-Copernican Awareness Act (11:30)

We edited out the portions of the interview that didn’t pertain to gay marriage and also everything said by Alexander’s opponent, John Groen. The voices you’ll hear demanding answers are members of the esteemed Stranger Election Control Board: Dan Savage, Eli Sanders, Josh Feit, and Annie Wagner. Guest star, Stranger publisher Tim Keck, also chimes in.

Interviews trying to glean opinions from justices are almost always fruitless, since judges cannot comment on cases that could possibly come before the court. The above interviews are probably the most you’ll hear Alexander talk about his decision — at least in an election year. Enjoy.


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"We edited out the portions of the interview that didn’t pertain to gay marriage"


Doug - we had to cut down the file size in order to post them and this seemed like the issue people were most interested in. And it was the most riveting part of the interviews.

It's good to hear that Dan & Justice Alexander agree on at least one point: His kid is doing better than Andrea Yates'. Smart ass.

Any chance of a transcript?

Watch for next week's print edition.

I would also assume the print edition will cover the non-DOMA parts of the interview?

I suppose I'll have to forgive anyone who ends up endorsing Alexander, though I surely hope any endorsement emphasises the pragmatism of defeating a greater evil. Someone will have to suck it up and vote for the guy. What a horrible situation.

I suppose I'll have to forgive anyone who ends up endorsing Alexander, though I surely hope any endorsement emphasises the pragmatism of defeating a greater evil. Someone will have to suck it up and vote for the guy. What a horrible situation.
A much greater evil, David. A consistent, complete, A-to-Z, every-day-and-twice-on-Sunday, across-the-board evil.

If Groen is on the Supreme Court, there will be no anguished hand-wringing about how disappointed we are concerning which side of a controversial issue (any issue, for that matter) he comes down on. Just as it's a lead-pipe cinch that the "correct" side is whichever one Jim Johnson isn't on, it'll be just as dead-certain that Groen's side is the wrong one.

On everything, not just DOMA.

I'll need some time to simmer down a little more, N.

If the vote happened today or tomorrow, I know I wouldn't be able to suck it up. I'm just too angry right now.

Alexander is the worst type of politician. Based on what he said yesterday, it doesn't seem like he even was convinced he'd done the right thing. I'm not so sure Groen would be worse. Alexander appears to have looked at polling numbers, decided to shore up some support on the other side of the aisle, and cast his vote for that reason alone. That is absolutely not the right way for a judge to behave.

I couldn't really listen to the interview, so I'm looking forward to the transcript.

'More great reporting from The Stranger.

I look forward to seeing the transcript. I love Dan Savage, but was not able to hear him on my computer. It was taking an hour to download and I'd hear a few words... followed by a 5 minute pause... hear 3 more words... another 5 minute pause. Good grief. I will be very thankful for the transcript!

Keep holding their feet to the fire!

John Groen is bankrolled by the BIAW big time. Here is the first google listing for the BIAW:

Building Industry Association of Washington
BIAW battles 365 days a year on your behalf to reduce the scope of government and ... Besides battling big government, BIAW offers a variety of programs and ...

These people are serious conservatives. N in Seattle is correct, Groen is bad news. I understand the anger at Alexander's wrong-headed and weak decision on DOMA. But John Groen is as far right as they come and will surely be a bad vote on this issue and many more.

The Supreme Court is not sexy. Most of us guess or skip voting on judges. But they decide whether Tim Eyman's nutball initiatives are law, they are a check on the property rights nuts, and they decide important issues like DOMA. Lets work on changing Alexander's vote, not electing a far right property rights lawyer. He is already working to buy this election through flaunting loopholes in contribution laws:

Take a long hard look at John Groen and think about who can be persuaded to share your values. Groen would have upheld DOMA in a heartbeat.

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