SIFF SIFF Sex Scandal!
Alright, it’s not really a scandal, and only tangentially connected to SIFF, but this new I, Anonymous submission is sexy, SIFFy, and scandalous enough to warrant your attention:
Yesterday my partner and I went to see the movie “In Bed” (part of SIFF) at the Egyptian. The movie starts (sound only, some visuals of sheets moving) with a heterosexual couple loudly having sex, and it goes on for a couple minutes. The whole movie focuses on this casual sexual relationship between the two—about 1/3 of the movie was just sex, the rest was them getting to know each other. In any case, regardless of your sexual orientation (we’re queer girls) it was hot.So, the movie gets boring…and I invite my lady to take off. She bolts for the bathroom, which is empty, and we head into the large stall and well, get to it. You know….
After a couple minutes these two women come in and are talking REALLY loudly, it was totally odd; at this point we’re not doing anything but um..we’d like to come out of the stall and go home! They talk and talk and it occurs to us that they’re trying to keep us in there? Get us to come out? Weird. A couple minutes later we walk out and some asswipe manager comes in and says “If you guys have to use the bathroom can you at least go into a single stall? You really shouldn’t use the handicapped stall for so long because..” blah blah blah. What she was really saying was “I’m so jealous that you two love birds get to fuck in here after watching a hot movie, and those two bitches were totally freaked out by your lezzie sex! Please stop making me so jealous ‘cause I never get any action except with my toys!”.
My partner and I were both amazed that these two women actually CARED enough to go and get someone! Hell, if I saw two pairs of feet in a stall I’d hang around to watch- I think people getting in on is hot, more power to ya..what’s the harm?
Oh Egyptian people, you need to have a more healthy acceptance of sexuality. Relax! And go get some…
Impromptu lesbian sex: Eternal component of cosmopolitan ladies’ rooms, or inappropriate pollution of public space? Discuss.
Dude I wish it were an eternal component of MEN'S rooms. My bladder would constantly be relieved and ready for more.
That said, the loud talkers were assholes. There has been all manner of cocksucking and buttfucking in the stall next to me in the last ten years in Seattle. It can be creepy, but it's mostly harmless to me. Who gives a shit? STFU and get on with your day, you big babies.