The paper of record has released the latest in its series of Google Maps-sponsored 36 Hours In... travel videos for a city, and Seattle winds up looking a lot like all the other cities in the series (Nashville, Glasgow, Nice, Madrid). This probably has more to do with the format than with the subjects. Though it also reflects the homogenous (and cloying) version of "local" branding that's sweeping the nation. It would probably be unfair to expect more from a six-minute commercial, however nicely shot and edited.

"36 Hours In Seattle" stops by Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum, Wing Luke Museum, Damn the Weather, Marination Ma Kai, Stoneburner, Westward/ Little Gull Grocery, The Belfry, and other fine local businesses, pops into a Seattle Living Room Show with Mikey & Matty, and features interviews from noteworthies Jason Stoneburner, Carrie & Kristen Watt, Kamala Sexton, Christian Harding, Jessica Harding, Tom Douglas, Michelle Bufano, Beth Takekawa, Joshua Henderson, and Bryn Lumsden.