I dunno if this ever made the MTV, but Crazy Joe and the Variable Speed Band's ridiculous video for their 1980 A-side "Eugene" kinda speaks for itself.

I ran into Eugene's son, Gary, this past Saturday night. I knew he was Eugene's boy because he acted exactly like his dad. The only difference is Gary has the cliché contemporary update: a shit ton of quickly fading "meaningful" tattoos, one of those fancy new Hitler youth haircuts (grown out, no less), and a sketchy Eddie Rabbitt beard. Oh, and all the girls at the table said Gary routinely booty calls texts Faceboook Instant Messages them tho' they aren't friends online or in real life.

Crazy Joe and the Variable Speed Band were a Kiss related group. Kiss guitarist Ace Frehley cowrote "Eugene" and, I think, you see him in the video as a member of the band. It's been hinted the "Eugene" character is based on Kiss bassist Gene Simmons. Crazy Joe, BTW, was in fact NY producer Joe Renda.