Real human being, and a real hero...
  • "Real human being, and a real hero..."

Tomorrow night, the American hero Jose Antonio Vargas presents his film Documented and speaks at the Social Justice Film Festival. Vargas is open in two ways: about his sexuality and his lack of papers. His documentary mentions the former part of his life but is almost all about the latter part. After Vargas revealed his official status (an American who is not recognized as such by the American government) in 2011, he has been is a state of suspension—he could, in theory, be deported at any moment to the country he left when only a boy. Vargas is something of a celebrity and politically active. Earlier this year, he was arrested by Border Patrol in Texas after participating in peaceful demonstrations that concerned the manufactured crisis (hysteria) over unaccompanied minors crossing the Mexico/US border. Though he was not detained for long, he still to this day doesn't have papers to verify his true nationality, which is American.

That's the situation here. Let's now have a look at the situation in Europe...

There are two great moments of capitalist globalization. One began in the 19th century and ended with the First World War; the other began in the '70s and at present seems to have no end in sight. The first moment was, however, more global than the current one. Why? Because it included to a degree we do not see today the free movement of labor. The present process of globalization is all about the free movement of money and goods.