Anna Minard, our city hall reporter, claims to "know nothing about music." For this column, we're forcing her to listen to all the records that music nerds consider important.


Here's Wreckless Eric: He is such a party boss! He's your weirdest and funniest friend. Every minute with him is a reminder of why we bother to be alive. He makes fun of "grown-ups" and capitalism and makes jokes about butts. Look at his goofy joy face on that cover! But he's also the kind of guy who, for example, wants to bring a saxophone to every party. Y'know? He's a lot, all the time. And when you say stuff like "Hey, Eric, maybe what if you didn't bring the sax this time, huh?" it never goes well. The look on his face is so surprised and hurt and offended that you immediately say, "Ha-ha! Gotcha with that one!" and pretend it was a joke, and even though there's no reason he should believe you, he does, because he just really loves the sax, man, and he loves you. Then there is a saxophone solo on your living room table, again. You know he's worth it, so you let it slide. "That's just Eric," you whisper affectionately to your significant other.

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