GHOST BIKE And flowers at the memorial where Kung died yesterday.
  • Dominic Holden
  • A GHOST BIKE And flowers at the memorial at the intersection where Kung died yesterday.

Who Was the Bicyclist Killed Yesterday Morning on Second Avenue? Sher Kung, an attorney and former legal fellow at the ACLU who worked on a high profile case that "paved the way" for the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell. What a horrific tragedy.

A Preventable One: The incoming director of SDOT says that three times over his previous two years in Chicago, "someone died shortly before the city carried out a bike-pedestrian safety project."

Weyerhaeuser's Old Headquarters: The company is moving to Pioneer Square in Seattle, so what will become of its old building in Federal Way? Who knows. Maybe a college. The city's mayor says Weyerhaeuser gave them just two hours' notice of its intention to move. "We would have appreciated a little more heads up."

Seattle P-I's Joel Connelly Thinks An Elected Socialist Is a Dictator: What's worse about this article? Its obvious but unstated contempt for the Seattle Human Rights Commission's proposal to change Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day? Or Connelly's basic factual error—describing Hugo Chavez, Venezeula's former president elected multiple times in free elections, as a "dictator"? Here's Jimmy Carter on Venezuelan elections: "As a matter of fact, of the 92 elections that we've monitored, I would say that the election process in Venezuela is the best in the world." The P-I's remaining readers deserve better than crotchety, insidious misinformation—especially when Seattle's own elected socialist has to contend with constant, vapid attacks from the press.

Texas Abortion Clinics: Open, for now, thanks to a court ruling.

"Yes Means Yes": The California legislature looks to reform the definition of sexual consent to "'an affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity'...Silence or lack of resistance does not constitute consent. The legislation says it's also not consent if the person is drunk, drugged, unconscious or asleep." Something stupid calling itself the National Coalition for Men calls it a "campus rape crusade bill" and opposes the measure.

Peeing While Homeless: Finding a legal, accessible, clean, dignified place to do your business is really difficult if you don't have a place to stay. Cracking jokes about homeless folks relieving themselves in public places? Ok, whatever. But you better fight to build them some goddamn housing.

I Feel You, Gawker: Ariana Grande could stand to enunciate her words more.