The Yes on Prop 1 campaign has a shiny new mailer out, and guess whose endorsement they're now touting? Why, it's the Stranger Election Control Board's! We're so proud. But wait—hmmmm, you guys, something looks a little different about that second-to-last sentence there...

We elect leaders who set taxes and build budgets and then when they [mess] it up, we vote them out.
  • Mailboxes everywhere
  • "We elect leaders who set taxes and build budgets and then when they [mess] it up, we vote them out."

What'd it say in the original again? Oh, yeah. Guess they didn't want to print a cuss word on the front of the adorable-children-playing-in-the-park mailer. Sorry, kids!

In other parks news, Mike McGinn has an endorsement for the parks district over at PubliCola, and it's a really interesting read.