
Sen. Thad Cochran's GOP primary victory, thanks in part to black Mississippians who turned out to vote for him, exemplifies a new math that politicians of all persuasions may be forced to learn as this country's voting population slowly changes complexion.

Cochran's campaign courted black voters, perceiving their unhappiness with his Tea Party-supported opponent, Chris McDaniel, and his anti-government rhetoric and scathing criticisms of President Obama. Blacks responded by turning out to help give Cochran an almost 7,000-vote win. The use of Mississippi's open primary to further their agenda showed political maturity by black voters and debunked a longstanding belief that they obediently vote Democratic and not according to their own interests.

The whole business is sad because if blacks had room (economic room) to take a risk, they would have actually not helped Cochran, allowed Tea Party-supported McDaniel to win, and then bet on pretty good odds of the batty (according to all standards) losing against the reasonable (according mainstream standards) Democrat Travis Childers in November, thus winning a Senate seat for the Dems. But there was no room for any kind of risk, no room to lose the little that blacks have for now.