Adam Liptak at the New York Times writes:

It turns out that judges with daughters are more likely to vote in favor of women’s rights than ones with only sons. The effect, a new study found, is most pronounced among male judges appointed by Republican presidents, like Chief Justice Rehnquist.

This is something you see anecdotally proven again and again. Ordinarily misogynist men behave differently when their daughters are pulled into the equation. But the thing I don't understand is, why does it have to be daughters? Most of these male judges have wives, too; why is it that wives don't seem to influence men to make smarter choices when it comes to women's rights? Or, for that matter, mothers? What is it about having daughters that makes men suddenly decide to treat women like equal human beings? The report (PDF) has no answers, but it certainly makes a convincing case that daughters, more often than not, create the biggest change.