Very pleased, very excited, very everything wonderful you can ever imagine to share this really important work: “The Beast Inside.”

It’s directed by Amy Enser and Drew Christie, and animated by Drew Christie, who currently lives on Whidbey Island, whose work has been featured several times on Short Film Friday, and who was nominated a second time for the Stranger’s Genius Award for film. “The Beast Inside” is narrated by a homeless teen named Tilawn, composed with hand-drawn illustrations, and filled with striking insights about homelessness (Tilawn sleeps easily when outside but has trouble sleeping when chance finds him inside). As a whole, it stands as one of Christie’s best pieces. And it really says a lot that he can move from something as swank as Vanity Code for Vanity Fair’s website to the gritty life on the streets of Everett without missing a beat.

  • Kelly O