• Kelly O
  • Eh?! WHAT'D YOU SAY?!
Yes, I have tinnitus. Uh... so, I'm slightly deaf—JUST like my mom told me would happen if I spent years playing in bands, going to see bands, and listening to sweet jams WAAAAAYYYY too loud in my bitchin' Camaro. Right, so now I have a constant high pitched squeal ringing in my head. Also, in addition to the squealing, depending on the room and when a certain pitch is hit, my ears can buzz uncomfortably. It doesn't hurt, but it fucking makes my eyes tear up. Thankfully the buzzing has become less of a problem as I retired from playing in bands. I once had a bad habit of playing in bands which rehearsed beyond the threshold of pain. We'd measured it and found we averaged 140 dB. Stupid, I KNOW, but it was ROCK 'n' ROLL. So, please, y'all, wear yer goddamn earplugs!

Anyways, my "deafness" is annoying and can be distracting, but mostly I try to ignore it. I reckon, now, the only time I consciously hear the squeals is when I'm falling asleep. I actually 'usta play an album at matching "squeal" volume to cover the tinnitus and it worked till my bed partner(s) begged for silence, so I gave up music as my lullaby. I'm currently using a white noise sound machine, set to static, turned all the way up, but now I'm hearing sound patterns in the static. Short of some kinda brain implant or pills, any of y'all Slog Out folks folks have any other tips to squelch my squeals?