This is what happens when you surround yourself with libertarians you probably met on the internet. Gawker discovered that Daniel Adams, the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, thinks Crimea wasn't forced into voting to join Russia:

If it had happened earlier this month in Crimea would we not have video? Everyone has cell phones these days.

Surely if the referendum had been taken at gunpoint we would have seen evidence of those on the receiving end. Or does the writer wish us to believe that the Russian military rounded up more than 80 percent of the population and forced 93% of those to vote in favor of joining Russia without having to shoot a single Crimean? That sounds like a pretty wild conspiracy theory.

This is the acme of Ron Paul's brain trust. This is the man Ron Paul has chosen to carry his name forth into the world. This is very likely a man who would have the ear of a President Rand Paul. Even as I write this, I'm certain that Ron Paul fans are dutifully assembling conspiracy theories of their own somehow proving that over 95% of Crimeans freely chose to join Russia. These are unserious people, who deserve to be treated like the jokes they are.